
Job interview 2

"Why does her face look familiar?" He said, scanning her with his eyes, that he wasn’t sure where he met her. 

It was his turn to be interviewed by Daisy. He stood in front of her and looked around for a chair. 

"What’s…..Daisy didn’t complete her sentence when he dragged a chair in front of her and sat on it with his legs crossed. She narrowed her eyes at him. 

"Is he here to be interviewed or does he want to interview me." She muttered something under her breath.

"Shoot." He said authoritatively, and she raised a brow at him.


"Ask what you need to know." He added with a smirk. 

"What’s your name?" she inquired, and he adjusted his eyeglasses.

"My name is Ray….Bard." He mumbled.

"Nice name, so why would you like to work for us?" She asked

"To make money, of course." He shrugged and she opened her mouth wide in astonishment. He was too straightforward and didn’t hesitate to say it. 

"Just that?" she asked 

"Oh and to snap a picture, yea pictures silly me." He whined 

"Do you have any working experience in snapping or any other working experience." she inquired, avoiding his gaze. There was something about his eyes that she found made her shy. She couldn't keep her gaze fixed on him.

"I want to be a trainee in your company, I promise I am a fast learner." He declared, with his head held high. She narrowed her eyes at him.

"What about working experience?" she asked. 

"I have a lot of working experience, I once worked as a manager for a shipping company." He stated and her eyes lit why will someone that has great worth want to work as a photographer. 

"I will get back to you, in the main time let me see your curriculum vitae(CV)." She said, extending her hand to him, and he looked at her hand. He has forgotten about doing a curriculum vitae. He can’t simply give her his original curriculum vitae.

"I am so sorry. I forgot I had it at home, I will bring it another time. " He said confidently. She opens her mouth wide in surprise. How is he sure he is going to come there another time? She hasn’t decided on who she wants to employ yet, and she needs an assistant as soon as possible. 

"Okay, I will get back to you." She stated. 

"I don’t like hearing that word. Can you say something else." He asked, and her face flushed. Who is this man that came to look for a job and is giving her attitude?  She didn’t know what to say.

"Okay, I will call you." She said, putting her hand on her face. 

"Alright then." He said, standing up from the chair. She turned to the computer on her desk. 

At Kingston’s house.

Richard walked down the stairs wearing a yellow tank top, and his assistant ran to him.

"Good morning, sir, about your appointment…. Richard didn’t allow him to complete his sentence when he stopped him with his hand.

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