
Getting up from bed

"I'm coming right away," I said, and hung up.

I turned to look at my assistant.

"Cancel all my appointments, for today, " I said, and he tried to say something when I grabbed my jacket from the bed and walked outside my room. I am going to see Chelsea. I miss her so much. Just so you know, she is my girlfriend. Although I like to hang out with girls, she is still the one I am madly in love with, I would kill for her.


                                                                                   The Author's Point of View

Daisy struggled to get out of bed. She was so tired after all the dancing on the ice rink last night, she held her back. She slowly opened her eyes and sighted her mum as she made her way into the room.

"Daisy, you are still sleeping. Aren’t you going to work today?" She inquired, opening the curtains, and the curtain paved the way for the lights to come into the room, making her eyes burn. She used her hand to close her eyes.

"Mum, why do you have to open the curtains." she lamented.

"Get up, lazy worker. You shouldn’t have gone out with that boyfriend of yours." She made a muttered remark.

Her mum always badmouthed Chris But she didn’t care, maybe because he is not rich and he doesn’t give her big gifts, because Mrs. Louis always likes someone spoiling her with gifts.

She got down from the bed and looked at her mother. Everything was dim and blurry. She couldn’t see a thing and her eyes started to adjust. She gazed at Mrs. Louis.

She stared at her phone and looked at the time. It was eight o'clock and she still had 30 minutes to go to work.

She jumped down from the bed, and Mrs. Louis walked out of the room.

" I hope she is going to prepare something for me to eat," Daisy muttered underneath her breath.

She walked into the bathing suit, stripped naked, and switched on the shower. She started using a yellow sponge to scrub her body as the water slid down her body. She ran out of the bathroom and opened her wardrobe, looking through her clothes for a new one.

"I need clothes that don’t say, "I am so poor." She mumbled and started grabbing her clothes and tossing them on the floor. She came across a pair of clothes she borrowed from Gwen to go on a date with Chris.

It was a red strapless dress. She put it on and put on a black pair of sandals and grabbed her bag from the bed, running down the stairs.

"Mum, I am going!" she yelled, and Mrs. Louis ran out of the kitchen with a burger.

"Take this," she said, placing the burger in Daisy's mouth, and she bit into it, carrying some of it in her mouth while chewing.

"I like the taste of homemade burgers. They are just so effortlessly sweet." She beamed as she chewed the food in ecstasy. She finished chewing the burger, and Mrs. Louis handed her a glass of water.