
Dating at a young age

"If I ever hear suicide in your mouth again, mark my words. What I will do to you, you will be wondering if I am your father." Mr. Kingston said, pointing at him with his index finger, and started walking out of the room with Mrs. Kingston. 

Richard removed his hand from his face, which was now red, and looked at the door when Dave entered the room. 

"What do you want? Get out!! He yelled and threw a pillow at Dave. The pillow hit him on the back and he ran out of the room. 

Richard sat on the bed and used his hand to pack his hair, with tears in his eyes striving to fall. 

He took his phone from the bed and dialed Chelsea’s number. It rang for several minutes, but she didn’t pick it up. 

"Chelsea!!!" he yelled at the top of his lungs 

Mr. and Mrs. Kingston were sitting at the dining table eating when they overheard Richard screaming.

"You see, this is what happens when you let children start dating at a young age." Mr. Kingston remarked.

"He is 24 years old, he has reached the age." Mrs. Kingston protested, poking her fork into the sliced beef on the table.

"I mean when he started dating, not his age now." He mumbled, cleaning his mouth with a handkerchief.

"I know he started dating Chelsea at the age of 12 but I allowed it because they loved each other. I didn’t know one day Chelsea would be the one to end the relationship." She stated.

"You see this is what happens when you trust people too much, I trust Raymond wholeheartedly, now look where we are." Mr. Kingston said that while taking water from the table, he heard the sound of his phone ringing. 

he sighted a bodyguard running toward him with two phones in his hand; they were both ringing. 

The bodyguard dropped the phone on his table and looked at the caller. One was Mr. Marcus, and the other one was an unknown number.

"Why is Mr. Marcus calling me, I haven’t found Raymond." He muttered and picked up the phone with Mr. Marcus. 

"Hello." With a rumbling voice, he said.

"Have you found your son or are you at home enjoying yourself?" Mr. Marcus stated coldly.

"I assure you that I am looking for him, I am trying my best to find him." Mr. Kingston shrugged.

"I gave you 24 hours, didn’t I?" he inquired.

"Yes you did, but you know it’s impossible to find him in 24 hours," Mr. Kingston mumbled.

"My daughter is devastated. She was injured this morning, I am at the hospital as I speak." He stated.

"Where did that happen?" Mr. Kingston inquired.

"She went to do a photoshoot and was beaten by a model." He replied.

"What’s the name of the model? Let me arrest her." Mr. Kingston stated bluntly. 

"Don’t worry about that, I already took care of that. Just make sure you find Raymond." He said and hung up. Mr. Kingston dropped the phone on the table and looked at his other phone, but it has stopped ringing.