
Live your life

"It’s still my catch phrase, but there is nothing perfect about this house." Raymond stated, "Closing the wardrobe."

Raymond turned to look at Mr. Josh.

"So have you sold the car?" he asked bluntly.

"Yes, I have. I sold it for $6 million." He replied, and Raymond's eyes widened.

"6 million is too small. Do you know how much I paid for that car?" Raymond asked in a rumbling voice.

"I know it’s fellow used, so people don’t pay that much money." Mr. Josh scoffed.

"It’s not actually fellow used, I just brought that car." Raymond muttered.

"I know you can go now. You don’t want to be late." Mr. Josh stated, pushing Raymond out of the room.

Daisy finished wearing the clothes and looked in the mirror.

"I look like a nerd," she muttered, packing her hair in a pony tail.

"Babe, I am going," she said, taking her bag from the wardrobe.

In the Kingston mansion.

Mr. Kingston walked out of his room with the briefcase in his hand. He walked down the stairs and watched the maids as they arranged different cuisines on the table. He looked at his wrist watch and sighed.

"I didn’t have time to go out yesterday." He muttered, walking down the stairs when a bodyguard ran up to him and handed him a phone. He took it from him and put the phone in his ear.

"Old hag, you are playing mind games with me?" the person said in a cold tone. 

"I am sorry I couldn’t bring the money yesterday. I had something to take care of." Mr. Kingston mumbled.

"If you do not come within two hours to give me the money, I will double the amount." The anonymous caller said and hung up.

Mr. Kingston sighed and walked to sit at the dining table. He grabbed a knife and a fork and sliced through the chicken on the table. When he heard footsteps heading his way, he looked up and saw that it was Mrs. Kingston and Richard. He narrowed his eyes at Richard.

"Good morning, honey." Mrs. Kingston smiled as a maid drew out a chair for her to sit in.

"Good morning, Dad," Richard said, sitting beside Mrs. Kingston.

"Morning, eat up. We have to talk." Mr. Kingston muttered, and they all started eating. without uttering a word.

They finished eating, and Mr. Kingston walked to the couch holding the briefcase. Richard walked to him and stood behind him.

"Dad, about yesterday you told me……Richard was about to complete his sentence when Mr. Kingston interrupted him, putting his finger on his lips.

"Shhh, I remember what I promised you. I have sent my bodyguards to kidnap her boyfriend." Mr. Kingston assured, and a smile curved on Richard’s face.

"Really?" he inquired, smiling widely at him.

"They have not captured him yet, I am still waiting for their call." Mr. Kingston muttered.

"If they have captured him, can you inform me?" Richard asked, raising an eyebrow.        

"I will call you, son. Life is too short, so enjoy your life and forget about that Chelsea. " Mr. Kingston shrugged,