
First day at work

Mr. Kingston started walking out of the house with the bodyguards running after him

Richard watched him go and sit on the couch, staring at his phone.

Mrs. Kingston walked up to him and stared at him in a weird way.

"Why are you smiling? What are you and your dad up to?" she asked bluntly, and he gave her a toothy smile.

"Nothing," he muttered, and his phone started ringing.

"Hello." He beamed, walking up the stairs.

"Where are you, man? Since your girlfriend Chelsea got back, you have abandoned me." The person at the other end declared.

"I didn’t abandon you; I just had a lot going through my mind." Richard shrugged.

"Is that why you tried to end your life? Come to the bar, I am at the bar."

"I can’t come. I have a photo shoot this morning." He whined.

"Then come in the evening, I will be waiting."

"Are you telling me you will be at the bar the whole day?" Richard inquired.

"Of course, have you forgotten that I'm the bar explorer, and there are a lot of hot girls and waitresses here." He said, emphasizing on the word "waitress."

"Why did you focus on the waitress?"Richard asked bluntly.

"You will know when you come." He said, and hung up.

                                         Richard’s POV                                                                           

I wonder what Mace is thinking, I hope it’s not what I think he is doing. He likes bullying and drugging girls. He is just so nasty.

I take out a designer suit from my wardrobe and toss it on the bed.

I have been thinking about Chelsea for such a long time that I have forgotten about my job.

                                                 Author’s POV

Daisy arrived at work in a hurry and was sashaying into the company, when she saw a lot of models sitting on the waiting chair. While Mrs. Jennifer walked to her, she was coming from the direction of the bathroom.

"Good... Mrs. Jennifer stopped her with her hand, Daisy wanted to greet her.

"Why are you late and where is the new employee? Because I don’t see anyone." She said this in a cold tone. Daisy walked back slowly, holding the string of her bag tightly.

"I-I haven’t decided who I want to employ yet." Daisy stuttered, avoiding her gaze.

"Didn’t I tell you that it’s urgent? You better decide now!" Mrs. Jennifer snapped and walked to the studio, arranging her camera.

Daisy walked to her desk, going through the CV on her desk.

                                                 Daisy’s POV

I am screwed. I don’t know who to employ, and my boss is already scolding me. I grab one of the CVs and look at the phone number there.

I dialed it and it kept on ringing. The person did not answer my call.

Look at someone that came looking for a job yesterday. I whined and started looking at another CV when the door flew open.

A man walked in. The wind started blowing his hair in a heroic way. This man is an angel sent to help me. He is like my savior.

He is Ray, the man I interviewed yesterday. He eyed me and started walking towards me, adjusting his eyeglasses.