
Heart attack

"Just days of living here and I am already having a heart attack. What if a rat tries to bite me." Raymond muttered.

"Stop being pessimistic. It won’t happen. Just remember not to sleep without washing your hands." Mr. Josh said, with an evil grin.

"What do you mean without washing my hand." Raymond asked, raising an eyebrow.

Rats tend to like sweet things, so if you eat with your hands and forget to wash your hands, they will turn your hands into meat. " Mr. Josh muttered.

Raymond looked at his hand and gasped. He looked around the house, frightened.

"I need to go to work, I can't believe I run out of the bathroom naked" He muttered and dashed into the bathroom.

Daisy walked out of the bathroom, blow drying her hair with a hand dryer. Chris was sleeping on the bed when she walked in. Daisy walked up to him and made sure the water in her hair get in his face. He opened his eyes.

"Babe, stop it. I want to sleep. " He muttered with pouted lips.

"What do you mean you want to sleep? Didn’t you sleep last night." She inquired raising a brow

"I didn’t sleep that much." He replied.

"Aren’t you going to work, and do you have any clothes I can wear?" she asked bluntly.

"I don't, but you can wear my blue jacket and track pants. They’re in the closet." He stated, closing his eyes.

"Don’t you have any other clothes? You don’t expect me to wear that to work, do you?" She inquired, and he smirked.

"You should have thought about the clothes you will wear before coming here." He scoffed. She glared at him and walked to the wardrobe. She dropped the dryer on the table and opened the wardrobe. She looked through his clothes and came across the blue jacket and sports track. It was a matching outfit. She took off her clothes, wrapped a towel around her waist, and began wearing the sports track. Chris rolled on the bed.

Raymond finished bathing and walked to the wardrobe. He looked through the wardrobe and came across, a white t-shirt and blue jeans. He took the cloth out of the wardrobe and sniffed it.

Mr. Josh entered the room and sat on his bed, staring at him.

"Where are you going?" Mr. Josh asked bluntly.

"I am going to work, silly." Raymond scoffed.

"Have you been hired?" Mr. Josh inquired.

"No, she hasn’t hired me, but I have got a feeling she will hire me because she asked me to bring my CV today." Raymond started wearing the t-shirt.

"Speaking of the CV, here you go." Mr. Josh said, handing him a white envelope.

Raymond took it from him and put it in his pocket.  He walked to the mirror and put on his glasses. He started putting tiny dots on the sides of his eyes and putting a mole on his face.

"Perfect!" he muttered, staring at his face.

"It’s been a while since I heard you say that, I remember that was your catch phrase." Mr. Josh muttered.