
Kissing a stranger 2

I couldn’t hear the sound of the loud music again. All I could see was her.

And suddenly, she started trying to pull away from the kiss.  She started hitting me on the chest continuously, I forcefully held her face and continued kissing her. Her hand was so soft, landing on my chest. I saw a light pointing at the two of us. It was a light from a phone. Who could that be? I ignored the light and continued kissing her forcefully, forcing my hand up her breast. And suddenly, the person holding the touch pulled me away from the girl and slapped me hard on the face. The slap was like lightning. I started seeing stars.

I wanted to talk when the person dragged me by the hand and pulled me out of the dark place. Why does her face look familiar? Oh, she was the photographer at Raymond’s wedding. What is she doing here?

"So it’s you, how dare you take advantage of a helpless girl." She ranted.

"How is that your business?" I asked bluntly, staring at her as the girl made her way to us and stood behind me.

"You are so shameless, I will video you and send it to the media." She said, bringing out her phone.

"Oh, that will be bad." I said this while smiling incessantly.

"What are you going to video?" I asked bluntly, and she started videoing the girl.

"This bartender was harassed by Richard Kingston." She said while filming her, the girl just stood there staring at her. What should I do to get rid of this woman? A guy came and took the phone from her.

"Daisy let it slide." He said, holding the phone.

"Who is she to you?" he asked, staring at me, and I grabbed the girl and put my hand around her shoulder.

"She is my girlfriend." I said with my head held high. And Daisy, or whatever her boyfriend just called her, glared at me.

"I am watching you." She said rudely and walked away with him.

I turn to look at the girl and she collapses in my hand. Oh my God, what am I going to do now? I carried her in my arms and started walking out of the club when a woman stalked me.

"Where are you taking my employee?" she asked bluntly.

I think she is the owner of the club.

"She collapsed, so I am taking her to the hospital." I replied bluntly, and she walked away. I was about to leave when I saw Mace and the red-haired girl in front of me.

Mace looked at the face of the girl I was carrying and then looked at me.

"Where are you taking her?" he inquired, raising a brow.

"I am taking her to the hospital, she passed out." I replied.

"I want to go with you." The redhead girl stated, pouting her lips and staring at me.

"Let him go." Mace said, and held her hand.

             Author's reaction

Richard is a bad boy hahaha stay tuned.