
Best quality

"Go man, I will see you when I see you." He said and walked away with the girl. My face still hurts from the slap the photographer gave me, how will a woman have such strong arms.

I carried her to the garage and walked to my car. I put her in the back seat and walked into my car.

Although I am drunk, I still have to drive. I just hope the police don’t stop me on the way. I ignited the engine and started driving.

I can’t take her to the hospital; it’s miles away from here, how about I take her to my villa? I can’t simply take her home.

I speed up my car and arrive in front of my villa. I blew the horn of my car, and my security opened the gate for me. I drove into my villa and parked my car in the garage. I stepped out of my car and opened the back seat and carried her out of the car, walking to my villa.

             Author’s POV.

Raymond walked out of the bathroom. He was wiping his face with a small towel when he sighted Mr. Josh on the couch. He was watching TV and eating pop corn.

Raymond glanced at the TV and walked into the bedroom. He opened the wardrobe and focused his eyes on the clothes.

He sighted the trousers and smiled evilly.

"Mr. Josh!" he called, and sat on the bed.

"Yes! I am coming." He replied from the living room.

"Come here this instant," Raymond commanded, and Mr. Josh made his way into the room.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"I was disgraced today at work, what kind of cheap trousers did you get for me?" Raymond inquired, raising a brow.

"What do you mean by cheap trousers?"

"The trouser I wore to work tore and I have to go and get another one," Raymond muttered.

"You must be joking, the trousers I bought for you are of the best quality." Mr. Josh said.

"Best quality, my foot," Raymond said as he stared at him.

Mr. Josh opened the wardrobe and brought out a pair of trousers and scrutinize the trouser.

"I don’t see anything wrong with these trousers, maybe you didn’t wear them well." Mr. Josh suggested.

"What do you mean I didn’t wear it well? Is there another way of wearing a trouser?"  Raymond inquired.

"No, but…. Raymond cut in.

"No buts, try it on," Raymond commanded, staring at him.

Mr. Josh took off his trousers, exposing his blue boxers, and started wearing the trousers in his hand.

He put it on and turned around for Raymond to see.

"You see, it’s okay." Mr. Josh beamed.

"I haven’t run a test on it and you are saying it’s okay." Raymond remarks.

"What do you mean by tests on it?" Mr. Josh asks.

"Look at me, and squat." He said, smiling brightly.

Mr. Josh squatted and the trousers tore. Mr. Josh smiled nervously and stroked his hair back shyly.