
Kissing a stranger

"What with the look?" he asked bluntly.

"Why do you like bullying girls?" I asked, clenching my fist, I was ready to punch him in the face and forget that he was my friend.

"It’s fun." He stated, smiling widely at me, and my eyes drifted to the bartender. She was handing a drink to a man who was wearing a tank top.

I wanted to go and meet her. I took a step and nearly fell. The ground was as if it wanted to swallow me. Oh my gosh, I think I am drunk. I tried to walk again and staggered when someone held me. I looked at the person and it was the red-haired girl.

"Where are you going?" she inquired.

"Get your hands off me," I said, and she let go of me. I staggered forwards and she tried to hold me again.

"You are drunk, let me help you." She said, trying to hold my hand.

"I am not drunk, I am just chemically off-balanced," I remarked and started walking towards the girl.

Her eyes drifted to me and she started walking quickly to the dark side of the club.

What is she doing? I walked over to her and held her hand immediately. I pinned her to the wall, I was struggling to see her face in the shadows. All I could see was her glowing eyes, and I had the urge to kiss her. I move my face closer to hers. Her face was so close to mine that I could smell a rosy fragrance. I put my hand on her face and used my hand to rub her soft lips.  Her eyes were shaking, she was trying to go.  I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer to my chest, I landed my lips on hers.

Her mouth tasted like alcohol. Maybe it was the alcohol Mace forced her to drink. She wasn’t returning the kiss.  I forced my way into her mouth. And then my tongue was in her mouth. I tried to see her face but it was too dark. Instantaneous and urgent was her tongue as it moved vividly with mine. I can’t help but enjoy the feeling. This is the first time I am kissing another girl apart from Chelsea, and I am enjoying it. Her lips were so soft and effortlessly sweet.

I moved my hand down her dress to her ass and squeezed it. She let out a moan. Is she doing this willingly or is she drunk like I am? I never knew that coming to a club would be this sweet. As my teeth were tugging on her lips, I kissed her lower lip and sent tiny perks everywhere all around her neck, and she let out a moan. I continue kissing her with my fingers twined into her hair. I am loving this. Who knew kissing a stranger could be so sweet.

She moved, put her hand around my neck, and everywhere became silent.......