
Christmas magical night

It was as though a thousand twinkling stars came to earth as all the couples lit their sparklers at the same time. It was magical.

Chris looked at Daisy with a million sparkles in his eyes. He slowly slid his hand across her body and then rested one hand on her cheek, giving her butterflies. 

He brushed his teeth on her lower lip, like the touch of butterfly wings. In a sigh, Daisy uttered the almost inaudible sound of a kitten, desperately wanting more. The next thing on her lip was the tender caress of his tongue. Daisy’s soft lips parted and she let, Chris's demanding tongue touch her tongue, searching her limits playfully. She didn’t feel like limiting him. She grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer to her chest, letting herself sink deeper into the kiss and allowing her tongue to dance vividly with Chris's. It was like biting into cotton candy as their lips moved in sync. The sound of the fireworks fills the air.

                                                                          Raymond’s POV

 I looked out the window of a five-star hotel as the dazzling fireworks filled my eyes. It was a beautiful sight. The sparkles flew everywhere because it was a windy night and I could hear a loud pop, pop, pop as the fireworks burst one after another. It was something to be happy about since my parents didn’t entirely spoil my Christmas. 

                                                                            Daisy’s POV

Chris escorted me to the front of our house, and let go of my hand and kissed me on the forehead before walking away, Christmas is amazing, I walk into the house.

I stared into the fire. It crackled and spat before hissing into life. Its lambent light stole away the velvet-black shadows dancing on the wall. Flames of rainbow-orange licked hungrily at the chimney as they clambered higher and higher.

The fire’s hypnotic jig of joy was as much a celebration as ours. It wanted to be alive on Christmas Day too. A pageant of smells filled the house. Thyme-filled turkeys sizzled on the foil in the oven. They battled to take over from the lavender-scented candles and the sulfurous smell of crackers. I could hear them snapping and exploding outside. The scrumptious smell of goose grease wafted into the room, sifting out the other smells. The children had been up early, hoping that the greatest illusionist of them all had visited.

Swag-bellied Santa used sleigh-in-hand rather than sleight-of-hand, but his brand of escapism beat Houdini every time. This jolly, whiskey-nosed character has conjured up more delight from souls than the rest of humanity combined. His marmot-cheeked magic is indeed a joy to the world. I heard the welcome sound of the kettle boiling. It was bubbling and hissing in the background. Warmth flooded the room as the fire came to life. The sounds of chuckling and chortling floated to my ears.


The Christmas tree flashed and flickered with its dazzling lights. An angel was perched on the top, glittering with its flash-silver luster. A single candle twinkled merrily in the window.