
I can't live here

The flowers in the front garden were long dead, the grass was knee-high, and paint was flaking from the window frames. 

Raymond stepped out of the car and started scrutinizing the house.

"Are you sure people live here?" He inquired, looking at Mr. Josh, and he nodded.

"Of course, why do you ask?" Mr. Josh asked, looking keenly at him.

"It’s so ugly and unkempt and the surroundings are yack, I think I will go back home," Raymond said, trying to open the car.

"You want to act like a poor man? You are supposed to know the sacrifices that come with it. This is where people live. You won’t understand." Mr. Josh said, with his eyebrows lowered and pulled together.

Raymond looked at him.     

"I know I want to leave home so badly, but looking at the way this house is, I don’t think I can live here. Let's go rent a more expensive apartment," Raymond stated, and Mr. Josh smirked.

"You want to find true love, don’t you?" Mr. Josh muttered and Raymond nodded.

"Of course." He replied bluntly.

"Then you have to make sacrifices if you want to find true love, because you will have to take your new girlfriend home and see her reaction." Mr. Josh said

"Geez, I didn’t think of that. Whose lady will like a man who lives in this dump? Just look at this house," Raymond muttered, lifting his upper lip in disgust.

"If she really loves you, she will learn to accept where you live." Mr. Josh said, and Raymond burst into laughter.

"I don’t think that kind of girl exists. I have dealt with many gold diggers in my life time and I think all the girls nowadays are gold diggers." He stated unequivocally

"I think you are wrong and you will have to try to find out, so shall we go in?"Mr. Josh inquired, pointing down a scraggly little path to the door. And someone ran out of the house. It 

There was an old man with a scraggly beard.

"Are you our new neighbor?" He tried to shake Raymond's hand and he looked at the hand of the old man and refused to take his hand. The old man was still stretching his hand when Mr. Josh took his hand.

"Don’t mind my brother, he can be shy sometimes." Mr. Josh declared, and Raymond glared at him.

"Anyway, welcome to the neighborhood." The old man added, and Raymond gave him a fake smile.

"Thank you." He said, wrinkling his nose.

The old man started walking into the house, and Mr. Josh walked behind him. Raymond looked around and held his nose, walking behind them and scanning everywhere with his eyes.

Richard dashed into the mansion and slammed the door. His eyes were extremely red, and Mrs. Kingston spotted him. She was sitting on the couch.

"Son, you are back early. How is Chelsea." She inquired and he didn’t steal her a glimpse. He was devastated.

He started walking up the stairs, making noises as he stomped up the stairs.


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