
Heart broken Richard

"Richard!! I am talking to you." She yelled, but he didn’t stop. 

He opened the door to his room and locked the door immediately. 

Mrs. Kingston was worried. She wanted to know what made her son act that way. She had never seen him so down before. 

"Dave come here." She said she called his assistant and he ran to her. 

"What's wrong with Richard?" she inquired.

"Well, I don’t know, I just know that he canceled all his appointments to go see his girlfriend." He muttered.

"Go and check up on him for me, will you." She commanded, and he nodded and climbed up the stairs.

Mrs. Kingston took her phone from the side of the couch and dialed Mr. Kingston’s number. But he didn’t answer the call.

She called him again and he picked up the call.

"What do you want!!" he yelled from the other side.

"I just wanted to ask you how the Raymond thing is going. Has anyone found him? I really miss my son." She muttered with her eyebrows lowered and her hands pulled together.

"So you interrupted my meeting because of this. What have you been doing to find your son?" he asked rudely. 

"I have tried calling him but his phone isn’t going through." She replied, and Dave ran to her.

"Ma'am! Ma'am! Mr. Richard isn’t opening his door." He stated.

"Why isn’t he opening his door honey?" Mr. Kingston asked from the other end.

"I don’t know. I need to go check it out." She replied.

"Okay, I am on my way home." He said that and hung up. She tossed her phone on the couch in haste and ran with the assistant up the stairs.

They arrived at Richard’s room door. They started banging on the door, but got no response.

"Rich, open the door. What are you doing in there." Mrs. Kingston said, with a worried tone. Mrs. Kingston stopped banging on the door, her hands turning bright red, and stands on the balcony, looking down at the bodyguards stationed at the house's entrance.

"Bodyguards, get your asses here!!" she yelled rudely, and four bodyguards came running up the stairs. 

They arrived in front of her and bow slightly.

"Break down the door." She commanded Richard's assistant to move away from the door. They started hitting the door with their legs, and it burst open.

They all saw Richard standing on a chair with his neck tied to the fan. The bodyguards ran into the room to prevent Richard from kicking the chair off his leg, and Mrs. Kingston started crying. She never knew this day would come when her son would try to end his life, Raymond's missing was more than enough for her. 

The bodyguards brought him down and sat him on the bed, he was conscious, his assistant took bottled water from the table and started sprinkling water on his face. His eyebrows rise and fall, and he slowly opened his eyes. He stood up from the bed immediately.