
I will die

"It sinks." He lamented

"I have told you if you don’t want to wear it, it's fine." Mr. Josh stated Raymond closed his eyes and held the t-shirt tightly.

"So what do we do now." He inquired, looking at Mr Josh.

"We go get more clothes." He declared, walking away and Raymond followed him.

In the Chelsea House.

"Richard, what are you still doing here, I thought I told you to go." She muttered, standing akimbo.

And Richard got up from the bed and looked at her.

"You know, you can’t get rid of me that easily." He muttered, and she walked over to him and dragged him by the hand violently.

"I thought I made myself clear. Get out!!" she snapped, pointing at the door.

"Baby, please, if you leave me, I will die," Richard said, pityingly looking at her, and she twisted her lips.

"That’s what you people always say, leave my house and go and die!!" Everything was happening so fast, she stated coldly, and he looked at her in a surprised manner.

He stood staring at her. She glared at him.


"Ain’t you going to go, guards! guards! " She called out and Richard opened his eyes wide in surprise. He never knew this day would come when his girlfriend would chase him out of her house without looking back. He was heartbroken.

"Chelsea, stop this madness, I can change for you." He pleaded, trying to hold her hand, and she turned back to him.

The door burst open and the bodyguard stood before them, bowing their heads.

"Take him out!" She commanded and they dragged his hand and tried to pull him outside the house, but he was struggling with them.

"Chelsea, please don’t do this to me." He said, swaying his hand, and the bodyguards let go of him and he landed on the floor and crawled to her leg.

"Baby please, I love you." He pleaded, holding her leg.

"Who is your baby? What are you guys staring at? Take him out of here!!" She snapped at the bodyguards and they tried to take Richard out, but he refused to go with them.

They both held his legs and started dragging him on the floor outside the room.

"Chelsea, please! I will learn how to do it better!!! He yelled at the top of his lungs, and they took him out of the room and locked the door.

They let go of him and when he tried to walk into the room again, they dragged him back and looked at him.

"Sir, we respect you. Don’t let us lose our jobs." One of the bodyguards pleaded.

"Alright, let go of me." He said and started walking down the stairs with his eyes filled with tears.

Raymond and Mr. Josh finish shopping and walk out of the mall with a lot of shopping bags. They enter the car and Mr. Josh drove off.

He drove at full speed…

They arrived in front of a house minutes later, the flowers in the front garden long dead......