
Shameless man

Where has he gone to? Is he having sex with someone in the living room? Or maybe he is masturbating because I refused to have sex with him. I remove the duvet from my body and jump down from the bed.

I started walking towards the door of the room and mistakenly hit a vase that was on the table. The vase fell to the ground and shattered into pieces.

I took the broom and packer from the back of the door and started packing the broken vase. I managed to scoop all the pieces into the packer and walked to the living room.

I saw Chris on the couch rubbing his dick with his hand and watching porn on the TV screen he was sweating.

"Gosh!!" I mumbled, putting my hand in my face, and he gazed at me and smiled widely.

"You can’t blame me." He muttered.                                                                                             

"Shameless man." I cursed and walked outside the house to put the broken vase in the trash. It was extremely dark outside. Maybe we were still in the mid morning.

                                                              Author's POV

The next day.

Raymond got up from bed, and his gaze landed on Mr. Josh, who was drooling on his pillow. Raymond screwed up his face and used his leg to push him out of the bed.

Mr. Josh. fell to the ground and stood up, holding his waist.

"Sir, why did you do that?" he asked.

Raymond stood up from the bed and glared at him.

"I think you should start sleeping on the couch. You don’t know how to sleep." Raymond remarked and walked to the bathroom, ignoring Mr Josh..

He stripped naked and grabbed his toothbrush from a white cup and pressed toothpaste into it. He started brushing and looking at himself in the mirror. When he felt a hairy animal on his feet, the fur of the animal was brushing his leg. Raymond slowly looked down, and his gaze landed on a rat.

"Ahh!! " He yelled at the top of his lungs and dropped the toothbrush on the sink before running out of the bathroom.

"Why are you shouting? What is the matter?" Mr. Josh inquired.

"There, there is a rat in the bathroom!!" Raymond yelled, panting continuously.

Mr. Josh went to the bathroom to check it out and found a rat lying on the bathroom floor. It was dead.

"Sir, you are just overreacting. The rat is dead. " Mr. Josh said, pushing the rat into a packer in his hand.

"I am over reacting. What is a rat doing in the bathroom!" Raymond snapped.

"Sir, calm down, it’s a dead rat." Mr. Josh. muttered.

"What if it’s alive? Is this how you people live?" Raymond inquired.

"Yes, this is how we live. You are just being paranoid. Poor people live with rats every day in their houses. There is always a rat in every house. You fail to realize it because the mansion is very big and poor people's houses are very small. That’s why they notice a rat easily. " Mr. Josh said, and Raymond screwed up his face.