
Make-up artist

She took it from her and gulped the water in one go.

"Thanks, mum," she muttered, dropping the glass on the table and giving her a light kiss on the lips before rushing out of the house.

She walked out of the house and started stopping different taxis, and they refused to stop. She sighted a taxi parked on the road that someone was getting out of and ran to the taxi. The person was walking out and she entered the taxi quickly.

Mr. Josh walked into the hotel and saw Raymond, who was sitting on the bed, wearing a dark blue suit.

He handed Raymond a white plastic bag and Raymond took it from him and looked into the bag. He saw a white pair of glasses and a fake mustache.

"What am I supposed to do with this mustache, wear it on top of mine?" Raymond inquired, looking at Mr. Josh.

"No, you can just shave yours and wear it." He replied bluntly.

"I want the mustache to look natural." Raymond declared.                                                              

"Then I will have to call a professional makeup artist for you. Give me a sec." Mr. Josh said, dialing a number.

Raymond took the glasses from the plastic bag and put them on. He walked to the big mirror opposite his bed. And look at his face in the mirror.

"This glass doesn’t look that bad on me, but I still look handsome. How about after the makeup artist has finished giving me a fake mustache, I should ask him to give me a mole on my cheek so I will be different and my family won’t recognize me." He suggested and walk to sit on the bed.

Mr. Josh walked up to him and sat beside him.

"Where is the make-up artist?" Raymond inquired, raising a brow.

"He is on his way, sir," he replied.

"Start looking for apartments for me in a poor neighbourhood. You think I can leave it in." Raymond declared, and Mr. Josh's eyes widened.

"Why do you need to live in a poor neighbourhood?" He inquired, raising a brow.

"So my parents won’t know my whereabouts until I find a girl and settle down," He muttered.

"Alright, I will start looking." Mr. Josh replied, pressing his phone.

"And also look for a job for me, something I can do," Raymond added, and Mr. Josh weirdly looked at him.

"You are taking this running away thing seriously. Do you hate Sofia that much?" He inquired.

"I won’t use the word hate, I detest her, I can’t imagine myself getting married to her," Raymond said, lifting his upper lip in disgust, and they heard a knock on the door.

"Did you tell the make-up artists that this is top secret?" he asked bluntly.

"I told him, although he demanded a lot of cash." Mr. Josh replied.

"Don’t worry about that, pay him as long as he doesn’t blow my cover." He muttered, and Mr. Josh walked to the door and opened it. And a man holding a briefcase walked in, and Raymond gazed at the briefcase with narrowed eyes.