
Big Boss

Although he looked like a nerd and someone without experience, he was well built, with those abs and muscles a girl could kill for. The way the shirt he was wearing hugged his body, it was like it was made for him. Why am I admiring him? He is poor. I bet he is poorer than me. Just look at his shoes. They had a small opening that was exposing his leg.

"Miss, I came here for an interview yesterday and I forgot to bring my CV. I hope you can hire me." He said, in a rumbling voice. Why does his voice sound familiar?

He handed me his CV and I stared at it.

"You are hired." I beamed, extending my hand to him.

Not like I have a choice anyway.

He looked at my hand and took my hand, shaking me continuously, I felt a tingling sensation as he held my hand.

"So can I start working today?" he inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, but you first have to buy snacks for us." I muttered, and he looked at me in a weird way.

"Am I your errand boy?" he asked bluntly.

"No, but it’s part of your job." I muttered, grabbing my bag from my desk, and taking out a hundred dollar bill, I handed it to him. He twisted his mouth and snatched the money from me, glaring at me.

"What do you want and where can I buy snacks?" He inquired.

"Huh?" What do you mean by "where can I buy snacks." I asked, raising my eyebrow.

"See, miss, I'm new here and don't know my way around." He muttered. What if I ask him to call me something else, something more like "Big Boss?"

"Can you stop calling me miss? You can call me "Big Boss." I mumbled with my head held high.

And then he burst into laughter.

"Are you kidding me? big boss, then what will I call your boss over there." he asked bluntly, pointing at Mrs. Jennifer.

"You can call her boss and call me big boss, because you work under me." I said confidently, and he wrinkled his nose.

"Just tell me where I can get snacks." He declared, staring at the models lustfully.

"If you walk out of this company, just walk 5 miles to your left. You will see a super market there. Get me one chocolate chip, two egg rolls, three cheeseburgers, and one mini-sized pizza." I muttered, and he opened his mouth wide in surprise.

"Who is going to eat all this?" he asked, with his mouth hanging loosely.

"Me, of course." I shrugged and he lifted his upper lip in disgust, staring at my body.

He moved closer to me and whispered,

"Are you pregnant?" he inquired. And I opened my eyes wide in astonishment 

"Hey! You should know your place. " I muttered, and the models stared at us, including Mrs. Jennifer. 

"You have got a bad temper." He muttered, walking out of the company.

I already hate him.

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