
Drug dealers

He took it from Mr. Kingston and parked the car on the side of the road to have a look at the address.

He looked at the address and looked up at Mr. Kingston.

"Sir, this place is a very shady area, where smokers and drug dealers always hang out." He muttered, staring at Mr. Kingston.

"How do you know all this? If you are not a drug dealer yourself, stop talking and take me there." Mr. Kingston said with a bit of authority in his voice, and the driver shoved the paper in his pocket, started the car, and drove off.

After a long drive, Mr. Kingston was sleeping in the car when the driver stopped in front of a shady house. It was covered with fog since it was the early evening. He could barely see through the fog.

"Sir, we are here." The driver announced he was pressing the horn in the car.

Mr. Kingston cleaned his eyes with his hand. And look around.

"How long have I been asleep?" he asked bluntly.

"For a long time now." The driver replied, walking out of the car. He opened the door for Mr. Kingston, and he walked out with the briefcase, staring at the house.

"What kind of place is this? It looks so dark that I can barely see anything." He muttered, narrowing his eyes.

"Sir, there is a house ahead." The driver stated.

"Maybe that’s the house he was talking about, but how can I know if there is a house ahead when it’s dark and there is fog covering the house? Do witches live here or something?" Mr. Kingston inquired.

"No, just smokers and drug dealers." The driver stated.

Mr. Kingston had no intention of going into the fog, so he brought out his phone and dialed the number of the anonymous caller.

He rested on the car, putting the phone in his ear.

"I know you are here, but wait. I am coming." He said and hung up.

The driver stood, and his eyes widened as if he had seen a ghost. He gulped and turned to look at Mr. Kingston with his leg wobbling.

"What is wrong with you?" Mr. Kingston inquired, looking at his leg.

"I need to pee." He muttered, and Mr. Kingston kicked him away as he ran to look for a place to pee.

Four muscular men walked out of the fog. One of them was carrying a German Shepard. The dog was like a werewolf, not that pleasant to look at, as he wiggled his tail and stuck out his tongue.

The guys were all holding guns when a man who looked different from all of them walked to the front. He wore a black leather jacket, with his hair tinted red, and his eyes were a mixture of blue and green. He was wearing a diamond earring in his left ear and a long earring in his other ear.

He smirked as he approached Mr. Kingston. Mr. Kingston was scared as he gripped the hand of the briefcase tightly, staring at them as they stood back and the leader walked closer to him.

What will happen next? stay tuned.