
Snack thief

I stood up from my desk and she looked at me. I knew, as a matter of fact, that she wanted to call me.

"Ray!" she called out to me, waving her hand. 

"Yes." I answered with an evil grin and walked to her desk. Or maybe she wanted to give me one of her snacks. I looked at her as she used her handkerchief to clean her dirty lips, which were covered with ketchup, and stared at me. She took the wrap of the snack and handed it to me. 

"What is the meaning of this?" I asked, holding the wraps. 

"Throw it in the trash for me, will you?" She commanded, Am I some kind of house help or what. 

I look at her and smile widely, then an idea pops into my head, 

"Look, spider," I said, pointing to the wall she stared at the wall looking for the spider while I used the opportunity to take a cheese burger from her desk and quickly walk outside.

           Author's POV

Daisy looked back at her desk. It seemed something was missing from her desk, but she didn't know what it was. She stroked her chin and balanced on her chair. 

Raymond threw the wraps into the trash and started unwrapping the cheese burger.

He started eating the cheeseburger, and his gaze landed on a model who was looking at him.

"What do you want?" he asked, with his gaze fixed on the model.

"Don’t you know your trousers have torn?" she ask bluntly his face reddened, and he smiled nervously and walked away from the model without looking back.

He walked to the supermarket, he walked to the clothing section and started going through the trousers.

"I will get you, Mr. Josh." He mumbled.  

Mr. Kingston started walking out of the mansion with the briefcase in his hand and the bodyguards ran after him.

His driver followed behind the bodyguards and ran quickly to open the door of his car for him.

Mr. Kingston stepped into the car, and the driver quickly ran into the car trying to drive away while the bodyguards strive to enter a van.

Mr. Kingston asked the driver to stop and look at the bodyguards.

"I am going alone." He stated authoritatively, and they ran back into the house. He commanded the driver to take off.

The driver started driving out of the mansion when Mr. Kingston received a call. He picked up the call and looked at the caller. It was the anonymous caller. He had saved his number as "Goat." He sighed and picked up the call.

"I hope you are on your way." He said in a cold tone.

"Yes, I am on my way." Mr. Kingston assured

"I hope you are coming alone and didn’t get the police involved?" He inquired.

"Yes, I am alone." He assured and hung up.

"Sir, who was that?" the driver inquired.

"It’s none of your business. Just take me to this address." Mr. Kingston said, handing him a piece of paper.