
Daisy's Life

Mr. Josh ran back into the house. 

"Sir, your car is ready." He announced 

"Son, where are you going? You can’t leave the house, it’s cold outside." She said, approaching me with a blue scarf. 

"I need to go out and clear my head," I replied and she put the blue scarf around my neck.

"You should have worn a sweater," she muttered. 

"I am surprised, that he is wearing a tank top," Richard added.

"Maybe not everyone likes wearing suits all the time, " I replied, and walked out of the house with different bodyguards wearing black suits, running after me with Mr. Josh. 

I hate it when these people follow me. It’s like I don’t have the right to go anywhere on my own, I can manage going out with Mr. Josh but not with these bodyguards. 

They strive to go enter their cars.                    

"You guys can go, I am going alone." I dismissed them, but Mr. Josh refused to go.

"What are you still doing here? Go!" I declared, and he bowed slightly and walked away. 



The next day.                                                                    



Daisy’s POV

"It’s Christmas." Christmas is my favourite holiday of the year. I love seeing the shinny Christmas lights that decorate my street and the sound of freshly fallen snow on the ground. Christmas reminds me of family, the laughter and love we shared, and the gifts we gave to each other. My house on Christmas became the center of my joy. 

I woke up with a huge smile on my face, a heart full of joy, and my stomach barking. I can smell all the spices cooking downstairs. As soon as I got out of bed, I rushed down the stairs into the kitchen to see what my mom had prepared for us on this special day. We had a different variety of foods: turkey, stuffing, ham, and baked beans.

And when the doorbell rang, I ran to open the door. 

It was my friend Gwen

"Merry Christmas." I beamed.

"Merry Christmas, Daisy, I can see you have eaten all the food without me." She whined, and I smirked.

We both walk to the couch, and my phone rang.

"Merry Christmas, Mrs. Jennifer," I muttered.

"Where are you!!" she yelled at the top of her lungs. 

"Am I supposed to come to work today?" I inquired.

"Get your ass here!" she snapped and hung up. 

"Who was that?" Gwen asked

"It’s my boss. She wants me at work." 

"Who goes to work on Christmas day?" she asked with raised eyebrows. 

"This girl," I said, walking to my room, and she followed me. 

My name is Daisy Louis I am 25 years old, I have brown eyes with chestnut-brown hair and that smile a guy can kill for. When I smile, you will see dimples on my face, I am a photographer. I work for a famous photographer, named Mrs. Jennifer. She is strict with time; I hope she doesn’t fire me. 

I took a pair of jeans whose color was already fading and a black shirt with a small hole at the side.......