
Work on Christmas day

Although I work as a photographer, I don’t get much money to buy clothes or take care of myself, I spend my paycheck on house rent and food, and I don’t have time to buy fancy things or dress up.


"You know, Daisy; you should try applying make-up sometimes," Gwen mumbled, applying powder on her face. She was sitting on my bed with a mirror in her hand.


"I hate that thing It’s so uncomfortable, I like my face the way it is," I replied, smiling widely as I struggled to put on my jeans. 


"You don’t know what you are missing. When I see you going to work or on the way, do you know why I ignore you when you call me huh?” She inquired while I put the shirt on my head, I pulled the shirt down my body and looked at her.


"I have noticed that but don’t remember asking you." She always ignores me when we meet outside apart from home because she is my neighbor, I just felt she was not used to talking to people she knows outside when she is with her colleague because she is the shy type. She works as a banker.


She walked to me and stood in front of me, lifting her upper lip in disgust. 


"See Daisy um, I ignore you because of the way you dress. You dress like a girl who can’t take care of herself, always wearing ugly clothes and no makeup." She said, putting her hand in the hole in my shirt, which made my face red, I removed her hand from my clothes immediately. 


"Hey, it’s my life, my private life, I decide what I want to do with my life," I replied, backing her she doesn’t know the expenses, I need to take care of, If I think of buying clothes, I won’t be able to pay my house rent, I carried my bag from the bed and strive to leave when she held my hand.


"What do you want?" I asked, raising questioning eyebrows.


"I was just advising you. Maybe that’s one of the reasons you are dating that broke-ass." She stated bluntly. And I glared at her.


"How dare you call my boyfriend, a broke-ass!" She smirked evilly as I stated with my lips pursed tightly.


"Because that is what he is," she said, smiling from ear to ear. 


"Don’t call him that," I said, clenching my fist. She continue talking while I walked out of the house, ignoring her, I hope my mum chases her out. 


"Mum I am going!" I yelled. I knew she was still in her room. 


"Bye, honey!" she exclaimed.


I choose the way I want to leave my life? why does she care?


I closed the door and walked down the street, I call a taxi and it drove me to the front of our company. 


It’s actually a big shop full of photos, cameras, and models coming to shoot pictures, and since it’s Christmas, there will be a lot of customers, so my boss does only the professional snapping........