
Christmas Eve 2

I finished bathing and walked outside my room, I opened my wardrobe. We billionaires just have to wear a suit all the time, even on Christmas Eve, but I have decided this year will be different. I go through my clothes and took out a blue tank top and a pair of jeans.

I finished wearing my clothes and put on my Rolex wristwatch. 


I walked out of my room, and shut the door behind me. What does my dad want to talk about again? I am already angry as it is. 


Mr. Josh opened the door of his room for me and I walked in. He was standing at the window with his hand crossed behind his back. He has a bald head and a strong aura around him. 


"Dad I am here," I said, announcing my presence. He turned to look at me and a smile curved on his face, why is he smiling like that? I bet he has something up his sleeves.


"Have a seat, my son." He said, with his deep voice, pointing to a big executive chair in his room.


"I'm not here to sit Dad. Tell me what you want." I declared, with my head held high. 


"The thing is, Sofia’s parents called this morning, and they want you guys to have a Christmas wedding." He stated. 


"What!!" I asked with my mouth hanging loosely. I couldn't believe it.


"You heard me right, a Christmas wedding." He repeated it and I screwed up my face.


"You already got me engaged to Sofia, against my will, and now you want me to get married to her, and tomorrow Geez Dad," I said, with my eyebrows slightly raised. 


"The sooner you settle down, the better." He stated.


"I don’t think this marriage will work, dad, I can’t get married to that plastic thing," I stated 


"How dare you call Sofia a plastic thing, You will get married to her tomorrow and that’s final." He stated backing me.

I open my mouth to say something, but I don’t have the strength to argue. He has ruined my mood on Christmas Eve, and a Christmas wedding? Gosh!


I angrily stomped out of the room and slammed the door, and Mr Josh looked at me, frightened. 


"Go get my car, I need to go out and clear my head," I stated, and he ran away quickly. 


I shoved my hand in my pocket and walked down the stairs. 

I walked into the living room, which was decorated with twinkly lights and gifts that were not there the night before, and the warm-toned twinkly lights on a tree in the middle of the house, hung stockings on the mantle, and set out figurines of reindeer and Santa.  My mum and my younger brother, Richard, look at me, smiling brightly. 

"Good morning, son." My mum greeted me, holding a cup of coffee.      


"Good morning, mum." I responded to the greeting.


"I hope you are aware that you are getting married tomorrow." She added, and I nodded,


"Wow bro, I'm so jealous." Richard remarked, and I give him a hard glare. He knows how much I hate Sofia, and he is acting like this.