
Crazy Richard

"Wait! I am alive, " he mumbled and stood up from the bed looking for something to stab himself with. He sighted a small knife in the fruit basket and walked towards it. He was about to grab it when Mrs. Kingston took it from him and put it behind her back.

"Rich, what’s wrong with you? Why are you trying to end your life?" She asked amidst tears.

"Mum, nobody wants me in this world." He said, trying to grab her hand.

"Who told you no one wants you, I want you and I will always do." She muttered, and he walked towards the bed. The bodyguards moved away from the bed, and he sat on the bed and started crying with his hand on his face. Mrs. Kingston dismissed the bodyguards with her hand and walked to sit beside him. 

She sat beside him and put her hand around his shoulder.

"Tell me what's troubling you, son, that you think dying is the only resolution." She inquired, and he removed his hand from his face and looked up at her.

"Mum, do you remember I told you I was planning to marry Chelsea before this year runs out?" he inquired, and she nodded. 

Daisy locked the door of their company and stopped a taxi. She got into the taxi and it drove off.

She arrived at home and opened the door. She saw her mum sitting on the couch and ran to her. She hugged her and kissed her on the cheek.

"Good evening, mum, I am hungry." She muttered with pouted lips, and Mrs. Louis looked at her and smirked.

"Must you put food in your greeting," she replied and Daisy smirked. 

"I can't help myself; I am hungry, Mum."She beamed, looking around the room.

"Who are you looking for?" Mrs. Louis asked as she noticed Daisy’s movement.

"I just noticed that there is something missing over there." She replied, pointing at an empty spot in the room that looked like something had been removed there.

"Oh, you mean the Christmas tree?" Mrs. Louis asked, raising an eyebrow.        

"Yes, the Christmas tree. "Where is it?" she asked.

"I needed money, so I sold it, and besides, Christmas is already over." She shrugged. And Daisy opened her mouth wide in astonishment.

"But mum, it was yesterday. you could have at least waited till next week or so. " She said, shaking Mrs Louis. 

"I am sorry, hun; I'm using it to buy food because you haven't been paid; the food is in the kitchen."Mrs. Louis said, and a smile curved on Daisy’s face.


Daisy dashed into the kitchen and spotted a plate on the counter-top. She took the plate and walked outside the kitchen. She sat next to her mother on the couch and dropped the food on the table.

She opened the plate and fed her eyes on the pasta on the plate. She grabbed a fork and rolled the pasta on the fork. She was about to put the pasta in her mouth when the doorbell buzzed. 


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