
Angry father in law

The jingling of the dinner bell rang. It’s the greatest sound that winter could offer.

I sighed with happiness and followed the smells and laughter as I walked up the stairs to my room and fell like an anvil on the bed.

"Christmas is over so quickly," I grumbled as I fell asleep.

The next day.

                                                                                The Author's Point of View

Sofia and a man who was wearing a suit and seemed to be her father, walked into the mansion side by side. She was holding a white handkerchief in her left hand. The bodyguards ran to them because there was no one in the living room.

"Good morning, Mr. Marcus." The guard greeted. 

"There is nothing good about the morning. Call me Mr. Kingston this instant! " he snapped.

"I will, sir have a seat." The bodyguard offered, pointing at the couch 

"I am not here to have a seat. Call me your boss!!" He yelled, and the bodyguard bowed slightly and walked away. 

He sighed and knocked on the door of Mr. Kingston’s room.

"Come in." Mr. Kingston said, with a deep voice. And the bodyguard walked in immediately, finding Mr. Kingston laying on the bed.

"What do you want?" Mr. Kingston asked, rising from the bed.

"Mr. Marcus is here to see you." He stated, and Mr. Kingston's eyes widened.

"Go and tell him, I am on my way." Mr. Kingston dismissed the bodyguard, but he was still standing staring at him. And Mr. Kingston stood up and gazed at the bodyguard.

"What are you, still doing here?" he inquired, his voice slightly raised.

"Mr. Marcus is furious. He can’t wait to see you." The bodyguard muttered, looking down.

"Who is your boss, me or him." Mr. Kingston asked angrily.

"You-you are." He stuttered.

Mr. Kingston gives him a massive slap across the face, and the bodyguard ran out of the room. 

He walked up to Mr. Marcus, holding his face. 

"Where is he?" Mr. Marcus asked, raising a brow.

"He is on his way." The bodyguard assured Mr. Marcus and started yelling.

"Mr. Kingston, get your ass down here, or I am coming up!!" he yelled, facing the stairs, and Mrs. Kingston walked down the stairs wearing a cocktail dress. She walked down the stairs and looked at Sofia, then turned to Mr. Kingston.

"Good." Before she could complete her sentence, he prevented her from talking, with his hand.

"I am not here to see you, but your husband." He shrugged.

"Sofia, how are you?" Mrs. Kingston inquired.

"I am not fine. Where is Raymond? " Sofia inquired, batting her lashes.

"I assure you that we are trying our best to find him," she stated, attempting to take Sofia’s hand, but she withdrew her hand.

Mr. Kingston walked down the stairs and gazed at Mr. Marcus, who was not smiling. He frowned as Mr. Kingston walked to him.

"I will go straight to the point without beating around the bush." Mr. Marcus said 

And Mr. Kingston sat on the couch looking up at him, and Mr. Marcus joined him, sitting on the couch opposite him with his legs crossed.