
Chapter 99: First kiss

I snatched my bag from Ray and took out my camera, glaring at him.

           Author’s POV

"I think you should consider teaching me how to snap." He whined.

"I will teach you, when did I say I won’t teach you." Daisy said, glaring at him and turning to her camera.

Raymond put his hand in his pocket, staring lustfully at Ava as the man makeup her.

He finished applying makeup to her face and she stood up from the chair and walked close to the water. She stood there and posed for Daisy to snap her.

"Smile for me, darling." Daisy said, setting to snap her and a smile curled across Ava’s face. Raymond stood beside Daisy.

"I still don’t know why you want me to come here, when I am useless." He whined.

"Shh, can’t you see I am snapping, and it’s for your own good." Daisy scolded.

Daisy started snapping at Ava, and Ava started walking into the water. Daisy was following her into the water, and lost in the picture, she was taking.  Ray stared at Daisy as the water was at her waist length.

"Put your hand on your waist and give me a toothy smile." Daisy instructed.

Ava realized that a wave was coming and quickly ran out of the water when Daisy removed the camera from her face and realized that she was in the water. She didn’t know how to swim.

She was about to run out of the water when the wave approached her. The wave carried Daisy away, and her camera flew in the air.  Raymond caught the camera and stood looking at the water. As Daisy was swimming to the surface of the water, moving her hand continuously on the surface of the water.

"Help! Help!" she said, struggling in the water. Raymond didn’t know what to do. He was just looking at her and she fell into the water. Raymond looked at Ava’s makeup artist.

"Aren’t you going to help her?" He inquired.

"I can’t swim." He said.

"Go and help her." Raymond said, looking at Ava.

"Why don’t you go and help her?" she whined. He took a look at his clothes. he didn’t want his clothes to get wet, but Daisy was dying . He handed the camera to Ava and dived into the water. He started swimming in the water looking for her, and he saw Daisy falling into the water. He quickly swam towards her and carried her in his arms and swam to the surface with her. He laid her on the seashore. She was unconscious and people gathered around them, including the life guards.

Raymond started pressing, Daisy’s chest continuously for her to wake up. He put his face on her nose. She wasn’t breathing.

"Fuck!" he cursed.

"Wake up, big boss, please don’t die on me." Raymond said, pressing her chest. He had no option but to give her a mouth to mouth resuscitation. Raymond screwed up his face and inhaled. He moved his mouth closer to hers and held her nose.