
Chapter 98: on the beach

Daisy faced the beach.

"I can’t believe she wants to do a photo shoot on the beach." She remarked, staring at him.

"It’s nice here." Raymond said, running into the beach.

"Hey! Wait up, where do you think you are going?" she inquired, running after him. Raymond was walking towards the water and sighted Ava on the side of the beach. She was relaxing on a chair with a food basket beside her. She was wearing a bikini and a sun hat.

Raymond gulped and stood and waited for Daisy to catch up to him.

"Why did you stop?" Daisy asked, glaring at him, and he pointed at Ava.

"Oh she is here, why didn’t you go see her?" Daisy asked teasily.

"You know, I am too scared to talk to her." He said, and Ava sat up on the chair and sighted them. She smiled widely and ran to them.  She stole a glance at Raymond and stared at Daisy.

"I am glad you made it, so shall we start?" she asked bluntly.

"Yes, I just need to know where you will be snapping?" Daisy asked.

"I want a picture of myself standing on the beach and also standing on top of the water." She beamed.

"So you brought your assistant?" she added, looking at Raymond, and he looked away shyly.

"Yes, I need someone to assist me." Daisy beamed, handing him her bag, and he took it immediately.

"So shall we start?" Daisy asked.

"Of course, wait, let me call myself a makeup artist." Ava said, walking to her chair.

             Daisy's POV

She is even thinking of calling a make-up artist here. It's been a while since I have been to the beach. As much as I like water, I can’t even swim. The bright blue sea crawls towards the golden sand. The fresh air entered my nose as I make my way down the seashore. With every step, I can feel my feet sink into the smooth sand and the taste of the salty seawater lands on my tongue.

The sound of the violin echoed along the coast as I began to dance around on the sand elegantly. Let me enjoy myself as Ava is not yet ready.   I turned around and saw Ray staring weirdly at him.

"What?" I asked with my mouth hanging loosely.

"You are acting like a mad woman dancing to no music." He remarked.

"Can’t you hear the sound of the violin?" I asked bluntly, and he smirked.

"I think you are crazy." He muttered. I clenched my fist, walking towards him when Ava approached us with a man acting like a woman. I think he is gay.

"We will shoot two series of pictures, in the first one I will be laying on the sand, and in the second one I will be standing close to the water." She stated.

"Alright." I said, and the man grabbed a chair for her. She sat down in the chair and he started applying makeup to her face.