
Chapter 100: First kiss

He landed his lips on hers and started blowing air into her mouth. while people just stare at them, including Ava.

He removed his mouth and started pressing on her chest, but she was still unconscious he held her nose and kissed her again. Daisy opened her eyes wide and pushed him away, immediately coughing out water.

She held her lips.

"How dare you kiss me!!" she yelled, staring at him, and the people started walking away from one after the other.

"You should be thanking me for saving your life." He remarked.

"Eww, I can’t believe you kissed me." She said, and spat on the sand. And rise from the sand.

"You should thank your star that a handsome man like me can kiss you with my million dollar lips." Raymond shrugged.

"Million dollar lips my foot." Daisy said, glaring at him.  

"Daisy, calm down, he saved your life." Ava stated.

"Okay." Daisy mumbled and started cleaning her lips continuously.  

"You are acting like I am happy that I kissed you." Raymond said, cleaning his lips.

"Where is the camera?" Daisy asked bluntly.

"It’s with me." Ava said. Daisy took the camera from her.

"I am going back to the hotel, I can’t stay here any longer." Daisy said, walking away, and Raymond looked at Ava and ran after Daisy.

"Wait up Daisy." Ava said, stretching her hand to her, but Daisy didn’t stop.

Daisy stopped a taxi and entered with her wet body, as the water was dripping on the seat. Raymond ran to her, she closed the door of the taxi, and it drove off.

"What is wrong with her? I should be the one angry because of her, I am completely drenched." Raymond lamented and stopped a taxi.

In the hotel.

Daisy angrily walked to the hotel room and slammed the door. She quickly rushed to the bathroom and started brushing her teeth, looking at herself in the mirror.


"I can’t believe he kissed me."  I don’t know why I am getting all worked up, he did it to save me. I hate him. I can’t believe I literally cheated on Chris. I need to start avoiding Ray." she muttered to herself.

She walked to the bathroom and took off her wet clothes. she was cold as she hugged herself with her hand. she put on a blue pajama and jumped on the bed.

I covered myself with the duvet and drifted to sleep.

          Raymond’s POV

What is wrong with Daisy? She is being unreasonable, like I am happy that I kissed her. I walked into the hotel in haste and opened the door to the room.  

I sighted Daisy on the bed. She was facing the other side of the room. So she came home to sleep. I walked to the bathroom and started brushing my teeth. It has been a long time since I kissed, and now I started with Daisy. I still haven’t talked to Ava. Daisy is not helping. I am not going to pay her if she doesn’t help me.