
Chapter 97: Going to the photo-shoot

"You sound funny." Ava muttered.

"I have a little cold." Raymond muttered.

"Alright, I am at the venue now, I will text you the address. Come right away. I am waiting for you." Ava said and hung up.

Raymond smiled widely, looking at the phone. When Daisy walked out of the bathroom with a towel tied around her waist and her hair tied like a turban.

Raymond stared at her from top to bottom as the water dripped off her body.

"What did she say?" Daisy asked, walking to the wardrobe.

"We should come to the venue, and she will text you the place." He stated.

"Alright, go bath, let's go." she commanded, and he rolled his eyes and stared at her backside before walking into the bathroom.

Richard woke up, smiling brightly. He couldn’t wait to go and look for the girl he kissed at the club the other day.

He bathe and walked down the stairs, and join his mum at the dining table.

"You look happy today, son, it’s been a long time since I saw you like this." Mrs Kingston beamed.

"I just realized that I have been wasting my time on a girl that doesn’t care about me, or my feelings." He muttered.

"I am glad you have seen the truth." She whined, passing him a plate of sliced chicken. He licked his lower lip and grabbed the fork, digging into the food.

"So when are you starting your modeling career?" she inquired.

"Next week, mum." He replied.

"That’s good." She stated chewing her food.

Richard finished eating, he drank water, he stood up from his chair and kissed his mum on the cheek.

"I have to go now, mum." He said he was walking out of the house when the bodyguards walked behind him.

"How many times will I tell you guys not to follow me when I am going out?" he asked, and they all stepped back.

"We are sorry, sir, but it’s our job and Mr Kingston specifically asked us to follow you everywhere you go from now on." One of them muttered.

"Why?" Richard asked bluntly.

"I don’t know." He replied, bowing slightly.

Richard wanted to ask them to go away, but he pulled back.

"Alright, you guys can come with me, but promise me you will only watch me from afar." He said

"We promise." They stated and walked to their car.

Richard got into his car and drove out of the house.

 Daisy and Raymond got into a taxi going to the address that Ava gave them.

"Did you bring your camera?" Raymond asked, looking at her as she was pressing her phone.

"Why wouldn’t i?" she asked, glaring at him.

The taxi stopped in front of a beach full of people, including girls wearing bikinis and kids playing in the sand.

Raymond stepped out of the car with Daisy, staring at the beach as the cold breeze hit his skin, blowing their clothes. Daisy put her hand in her bag and handed the driver money.

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