
Chapter 96: Stuck with you 2

"I don’t care what you think of me, I want to sleep on the bed." He said coldly.

"I can’t sleep on the couch either." i  said, glaring at him.

"Suit yourself." he said.

"Huh?" i asked as he walked towards the door and switched off the lights.

I can barely see, I can see a little with the light of the moon coming into the room.

And suddenly, I started feeling someone in the bed.

"What the fuck! Are you going to sleep on the bed too!!" I exclaimed, moving away from him on the bed. The bed was big enough for the two of us.

"What do you expect, we are both kings." He remarked, dragging the duvet.

"Gosh!" As much as I hate being in a room with him, I am forced to sleep in the same room with him. Can this day get any worse?  I muttered, asking no one in particular. I lay next to him on the bed.

I pulled a pillow over my head and turned to face the other side of the bed.This is awkward.  Ray is literally a few inches away from me. I could feel his hot breath landing on my back. This is so uncomfortable. I moved a little on the bed, and Ray put a pillow in the middle.

"Just in case someone tries to take advantage of me." He whined.

What does he take me for a whore or what? I have a boyfriend, you madafucker. I don’t have time to argue with him.  I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

         Author’s POV

The next day.

The sun forced it's way into the room, shining in Raymond’s eyes. He opened his eyes slowly and saw Daisy sleeping next to him with her leg on his body. He closed his eyes again, thinking it was a dream. He opened his eyes again.

"Daisy!!" he yelled with his eyes wide open, and she opened her eyes, and they both ran out of the bed immediately.

"Eww, what did you do to me last night?" Daisy inquired, glaring at him.

"I wanted to ask you the same question." He remarked.

"You are a pervert." she said, checking herself out.

"Chill, I will never touch a girl like you, you are not my type." He shrugged.

"You are not my type either." She said confidently, and they both locked eyes, glaring at each other.

"I am bathing first." Daisy said, and she ran into the bathroom.

"Naughty bitch, I can’t believe she touched me." Raymond said, lifting his upper lip in disgust when Daisy's phone started ringing in the drawer.

He carried her phone and looked at the caller. It was Ava.

"Who is calling!!" Daisy yelled from the bathroom, as if she knew that he had taken her phone.

"It’s Ava!!" he yelled.

"Pick it." She commanded.

He answered the call and put the phone in his ear without uttering a word.

"Good morning, Daisy." She beamed.

"Good morning." Raymond said in a girly tone, mimicking Daisy.