
Chapter 93: In the plane 2

He sighted Daisy. She was looking at her wrist watch continuously.  He walked up to her and she glared at him.

"Why are you not picking up my call?" she asked.

"I was on my way here." He said.

"Blah blah blah, come let’s go, we almost missed our flight." She said she was walking to an agent and he took her board pass and ID.  They both walk into the airplane, with the flight attendant welcoming the rich people. Raymond narrowed his eyes at them.

"Favouritism." He mumbled.

And follow Daisy into the airplane as she sat comfortably in the plane next to the window.  Raymond looked around the plane. He didn’t want to sit close to Daisy, so he started walking around the plane looking for a seat when a flight attendant blocked him.

"Sir, where are you going? Your seat is over there?" she said in a polite tone.

"You see, I'm not used to sitting close to people; can I take a seat over there?" he asked, indicating the VIP section.

"You can't, those are for important people." She replied.


"So I am not important?" he asked bluntly.

"you are, but, you didn’t buy a first class ticket, so stick to the rules." She said she was preventing him from going to the VIP section.

"Arrgh." He grunted and shyly walked to sit next to Daisy.

He sat close to her and smiled nervously at her.

"Where were you?" she asked.

"Trying my luck." He commented and relaxed in his chair. Raymond closed his eyes, and suddenly someone’s head landed on his shoulder. He opened his eyes and it was Daisy.

"Eww." He muttered and started pushing her head away from him, and she rested her head on the old man’s shoulder. With her butt facing him.

"How can someone sleep comfortably on a plane." He comments, glaring at her. He closed his eyes, but sleep wasn’t coming, so he started looking out the window.  When Daisy farted.

"Ewww, so disgusting." He screwed up his face and held his nose, looking at her butt as she adjusted her butt to fart one more time.

"Please don’t kill me." He pleaded, holding his nose, and she farted again. Raymond quickly got up from his seat and walked to the VIP section where a flight attendant stopped him.

"I am sorry, sir, you can’t be here." She said, pushing him out of the room.

"Please let me stay here for five minutes." He pleaded.

"No." she said, and a muscular man approached Raymond. He was one of the people in the VIP section.

"Get out!!" he said in a rumbling voice.  Raymond looked at him and gulped. He walked back to his seat and slapped Daisy hard on the back. She stood up immediately and held her back, looking at him.

"Who hit me?" she asked bluntly.

"I don’t know." He shrugged.

"Are you sure?" she asked, raising a brow.

"Of course who will want to hit you." He said, and she sat on the chair, glaring at him.