
Chapter 94: No room

"Thank God." He mumbled.

After hours of flying, the plane landed at the airport, and they both walked out of the plane and walked to the airport with their luggage. They arrived in front of the airport, and Daisy brought out her phone and dialed Ava’s number.

"We have arrived in Paris." Daisy said, looking around.

"That’s good, I will send you the location of the photoshoot tomorrow, in the main time, I have arranged a room for you in a five star hotel." Ava said

"I will text you the hotel address." Ava added and hung up. Daisy’s phone beeped, and she stared at her phone. and started stopping a taxi. Raymond, on the other hand, stood behind her, staring at her.

The taxi stop, she opened the boot of the taxi and put her luggage inside, followed by Raymond. They both entered the taxi, and he drove away.  After hours of driving, the taxi stopped in front of a five-star hotel with a lot of whores standing by the side. Raymond eyed the whores and lifted his upper lip in disgust.  

They both took their luggage from the boot of the car and walked into the hotel.  They walk to the receptionist.

"Good evening, ma, how may I help you?" she asked politely.

"My name is Daisy, Miss Ava sent me here." Daisy beamed.

"Oh, you are the one she booked a room for?" the receptionist said.

"Yes," she replied.  

"I am sorry to tell you that, the room she booked is no longer available as you didn’t arrive on time. I have already given it to someone else." She stated  and Daisy glared at her.

"What kind of receptionist are you? Is this the way you treat your customers? You just hand out their room whenever you please!" Daisy scolded.

"I am sorry, ma, but we have another room available now, but it’s a honey moon sweet." The receptionist beamed.

"A honeymoon what?" Daisy and Raymond chorused.

"That’s the only room available, who is this man? Is he your boyfriend." The receptionist inquired.

"Eww gross, he is not my boyfriend." Daisy stated, lifting her upper lip in disgust.

"Who wants to be your boyfriend, I can’t even think of it." Raymond whined.

"Okay, anyway, that’s the only room available, so are you taking it?" she asked.

"Wait, how many rooms did Ava book in the first place?" Raymond inquired.

"One room, of course." The receptionist replied.

"Why will she book one room?" Raymond asked, looking at Daisy. She bit her lower lip nervously.

"I forgot to tell her that I was coming with you." Daisy mumbled.

"I can’t believe you are so forgetful." Raymond lamented.

"Hey, watch the way you speak to me, I am your boss." Daisy said, glaring at him.

"Is there any other hotel around here?" Raymond asked, looking at the receptionist.

"No, this is the only hotel around here, if you want to see another hotel, it’s 6 miles away from here." She replied.

"Gosh!!" Daisy lamented, sitting on her luggage.