
Chapter 92: In the plane

Daisy dragged her luggage and walked out of the house.

Raymond jumped down from the bed and walked to the living room when he saw Mr. Josh sleeping on the couch. He dashed into the bathroom and stripped naked. He took his bath and walked out of the bathroom with a white towel tied around his waist.

He went into his room and started going through the clothes in the wardrobe. Put on a black T-shirt and a pair of jeans.

He put them on, he walked out of the room, and tapped Mr. Josh on the shoulder. Mr. Josh opened his eyes and stared at him.

"How may I help you, sir?" he asked, staring at Raymond.

"I need a bag, to carry my clothes." He said.

Mr. Josh yawned and walked into Raymond’s room.  He squatted and drew a blue luggage from under the bed.

"What time did you put that there?" Raymond questioned.

"Yesterday." He replied, put it on the bed, and walked out quickly.

"Wait, aren’t…. Raymond paused and started parking clothes in the luggage without arranging them. He wanted to ask Mr. Josh to arrange it for him.  He finished arranging the clothes and zipped the luggage. He sighed and carried it down the bed.  Walking outside the room with the luggage.

"Have a safe trip." Mr. Josh beamed.

"What are you doing, sitting around? Come and drive me to the airport." Raymond remarked. And Mr. Josh weirdly stared at him.

"Have you forgotten that we sold your car?" Mr. Josh said.

"Gosh! I forgot." Raymond lamented and started walking out of the house.

"Woohoo!!" Mr. Josh exclaimed, jumping up on the couch, and Raymond rolled his eyes.

"He is happy that I am going so he can bring whores home," Raymond remarked, rolling his eyes, as he walked out of the house and started stopping a taxi.

He was about to open the door of the taxi when the taxi driver stopped him.

"Where are you going?" he inquired.

"To the airport," Raymond replied.

"I am sorry I didn’t go there." he said, and drove off. Raymond started stopping different taxis and they were all refusing to go to the airport. After standing for a million years with his phone ringing continuously he hopped into a taxi and it drove off.

"How I wish I hadn’t sold my car." He remarked, and the driver burst into laughter.

"What’s funny?" Raymond inquired, raising a brow.

"A broke ass like you have a car." The man remark

"Don’t look at me with those eyes, I am extremely rich," Raymond stated confidently.

"Keep telling yourself that." He whined and Raymond relaxed on the chair and put his phone on silent as he saw another incoming call from Daisy.  

"She just can’t leave me in peace." He mumbled, and the taxi came to a halt in front of the airport.

Raymond stepped out of the taxi and paid the taxi driver while dragging his luggage into the airport.