
Chapter 81: Ask for help

"But I can’t do it." Raymond lamented.

"Why do you mean you can’t do it?"

"I really can’t do it, I think I need your guidance, and I am also scared she will turn me down because I am poor." He grinned.

"That is not an excuse not to approach her, don’t you have a male colleague? You can just ask him to talk to her for you." Mr. Josh suggested.

"I don’t have any colleagues, the only person I have is the big boss," Raymond stated.

"What do you mean, the big boss? Who is the big boss?" he inquired.

"The big boss is the lady I work under, she is a pain in the butt." Raymond muttered.

"Why don’t you ask her to help you out, since she is a girl it will go well, you can just ask her to talk to the model on your behalf."

"Why do you think it’s easy, huh, I hate her and she hates me why will she help me?" Raymond lamented

"Why don’t you try paying her money." Mr. Josh suggested.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, I am, so what do you say."

"I will give it a try and see how it turns out, I will have to ask my enemy for a favor." He grinned.

"You just started working and you have started making enemies." Mr. Josh added.

"It’s not my fault that she is a meany." He replied, walking to the bedroom. He arranged the bed and fell on the bed, staring at the ceiling. He inhaled and exhaled.

"I can’t believe I will have to live in a place like this someday." He remarked and drifted to sleep.

The next day.

Raymond woke up as early as 7:00 in the morning. He stood up from the bed and dashed into the bathroom.

          Raymond’s POV

I will have to ask the big boss, to talk to the model for me, I feel stupid wanting her help, but what can I do, I need to swallow my pride if I want to have a chance with that model, I can’t wait to know her name.

I started brushing quickly.  I remember I didn’t take good pictures of her yesterday, what will happen if she finds out? Anyway, she can’t scold me.

I finish brushing and took off my clothes and hung them on a nail in the wall, I switched on the shower and the water started pouring on my body as I took out the shampoo from the drawer and used it to watch my hair.

           Author’s POV

Daisy woke up and took her phone. She looked at the time.

"There is still time." She said as she drifted to sleep.

"Daisy!!!" Mrs. Louis yelled as she walked to Daisy's room, making a loud noise with her shoes. Daisy forced her eyes open.

"What does she want again," she whined, and Mrs. Louis opened the door and folded her hands looking at Daisy on the bed.

"What is the matter? Why were you shouting my name like that?" Daisy inquired.