
Chapter 80: First move

"Since money won’t do, we will have to keep you hostage." Mr. Kingston remarked.

"Dad, let’s go home, I will go and see Chelsea tomorrow." Richard remarked walking out of the house, and Mr. Kingston signals the bodyguards with his hand, and they walked to Chelsea’s boyfriend and put the duct tape in his mouth.

He started swaying continuously on the chair.

Richard was walking towards the car when Mr. Kingston put his hand on his shoulder.

"My son, I know you are disappointed, but things happen for a reason, so I think this is a sign for you to forget about Chelsea." Mr. Kingston stated.

"I can’t dad and seeing her boyfriend’s reaction makes me want her even more." He said, clenching his fist.

"Calm down, son." He said, and they both hopped into the car.

They arrived home and Richard saw his mum staggering towards him, so he dodged her and she landed in Mr. Kingston’s arms. and smiled widely at him. He sniffs her.

"You have been drinking, what did I tell you about drinking?" He said, raising an eyebrow.

"You are too mean." She whined and he tried to carry her, nearly falling when Richard supported him and took her from his hand. Mr. Kingston held his back in pain.

"I am too old now." Mr. Kingston remarked as he watched Richard walking up the stairs with her.  He walked to the bar and stared at the maid. She sighted him and looked down immediately, avoiding his gaze.

"What did I tell you about giving her drinks?" He asked in a cold tone.

"I am sorry, sir but she threatened to fire me." She said. And he handed her his business card.

"Any time she asks you for a drink, call me." He said, and she shyly took it from him.

Richard laid his mum on the bed and covered her with the duvet. He kissed her forehead and tried to walk away when she held his hand.

"Raymond, is that you? I miss you so much." She said in a soft tone, holding his hand tightly.

"She must be missing stubborn Raymond a lot mothers," Richard remarked and forcefully removed her hand from his hand. started walking out of the room and switched off the lights.

Raymond was sitting at the dining table eating with Mr. Josh. Mr. Josh noticed that something was troubling Raymond as he was chewing slowly, waiting a thousand years before he took another bite.

"Sir, what’s wrong?" he asked softly.

"I don’t know what this feeling is, but I think I have fallen in love with one of the models that come to take pictures every day," Raymond muttered.

"Have you talked to her?" Mr. Josh said.

"How can I talk to her? You know, I don’t know how to talk to women or make the first move, they are always the ones that come to me first." He remarked.

"They come to you because they know that you are rich, but this time it’s different, you have to approach a girl for the first time in your life." Mr. Josh said.