
Chapter 74: Trying to take pictures

"Hello." I said.

"Who are you telling hello!!" he snapped. Dad just has to have a hot temper.

"Good morning, dad." I added, rolling my eyes.

"My bodyguards have managed to kidnap Chelsea’s boyfriend." He said. OMG, I am so happy. I will have to look for a way to get rid of Chelsea’s boyfriend fast.

"Hello Richard, are you there." my dad called out, bringing me back to reality.

"Yes," I mumbled.

"Come home, at 8:00 in the night, and I will take you to him." He said

"Okay, bye, love you." I said, and he hung up immediately.

"Classic Dad." I grinned.

In the fashion studio.

There were a lot of models in the waiting area, waiting to get their pictures taken. Daisy was still snapping the model, who Raymond was madly in love with, He was still staring at her, standing by Daisy’s side as the model walked to the dressing room to change clothes for the second time. Raymond turned to Daisy as she was staring at the pictures on the camera.

"Am I just going to be your errand boy all day? Aren’t you going to teach me how to snap?" he inquired.

"I will teach you, but it takes a long time, first you need to watch me, and then you will learn how to snap." She grinned.

"Have you ever taught anyone how to snap in your life before?" he asked bluntly, and she looked up at him.

"No." she replied bluntly.

"You see, you haven’t." he remarked.

"So what are you suggesting?" she inquired.

"Why don’t you let me snap this model as a start." He said as the model was walking out of the dressing room.

"Are you sure you can pull it off?" Daisy asked, looking at him.

"Of course, I am a fast learner." He grinned. He extended his hands to her for her to hand him the camera. He held the camera in her hand, but she refused to let it go, dragging it with him.

"Let it go." He said he was trying to take it from her.

"You have to handle this camera with care, I just brought it." She said.

"How much is this camera that you are acting like this?" He remarked.

"How much is this camera? Sorry to burst your bubble, I bought this camera from your salary." She said, and his jaw dropped as he removed his hand from the camera and glared at her.

"You are kidding me, right?" he inquired.

"No, I removed it from your pay check." She replied.

"You are so cruel, why did you remove it from my paycheck when the money you pay me is too small." He whined.

"Because I am your boss." She said.

"Naughty bitch." He muttered.

"Huh, what did you just say?" she inquired.

"Nothing." He replied, rolling his eyes.

"Now take this and take good pictures of that model," Daisy commanded, handing him the camera.

"Alright, big boss." He replied as the model walked towards them.