
Chapter 73: Beautiful girls

He was trying to take the mop, looking at her, and he accidentally kicked the bucket of the mop, causing the water to spill all over her body.

"Oh my god, look at what you have done!!" she yelled, looking at him. Raymond was lost in thought, still staring at her as she screwed up her face and continued using her handkerchief to dust her dress.

She looked at him from top to bottom.

"You have ruined my 5,000 dollar dress and you are still not saying anything." She said, looking at him. Daisy walked up to the model and glared at Raymond. She waved her hand in his face, but he was still standing like a statue.

"Is this your first time seeing beautiful girls." Daisy made a remark and grabbed and twisted his ear. leading him to her desk.

"Ouch, ouch." He said he was walking with her, and she let go of his ear.

"Are you here to walk or stare at beautiful girls?" Daisy, in a nutshell

"I apologize, she was just really beautiful." He remarks, and she smirked. 

"She is nothing compared to me." Daisy shrugged, and Raymond looked at her in a disgusting way.

"Keep telling yourself that." He said, and turned to the model.

"Mrs. Daisy, where are the makeup artists, I want to change this dress as soon as possible." She said in a cold tone.

"Don’t worry, have a seat, they are on their way," Daisy assured. The model walked majestically to the waiting chair and sits there.

Raymond eyed the mop on the floor and carried the mop and the bucket to the bathroom.

"Nuisance," Daisy said, glaring at him.

"I just hate nerds." She grinned.

In the villa

Richard woke up with a throbbing headache and got out of bed, holding his head. It was as if people were fighting a war in his head.

"What happened." He grinned, standing up from his bed and realizing that he was in his villa.

"How did I get here." He said he was holding his head and got a slight pain. He rushed to his drawer and sighted a lot of hangover drugs in there as well as sex manuals. He sighed and took the medicine. He reached for the jug that was on top of the drawer and poured water into a cup. He gulped up the medicine and took his phone to look at the time. He saw 20 missed calls from his mum.

"Gosh, what does she want." he whined and contemplated whether to call her or not.

"I won’t call her." He muttered. He said, tossing the phone onto the bed.

He sat on the bed and saw a lip stick mark on the pillow, and he remembered his encounter last night.

          Richard’s POV

God damn it, what have I done? Chelsea, What have you done to me? I wonder who that girl was last night. I definitely want to see her again. I thought when my phone started ringing and I took it from the bed and answered the call it was my dad.

Author's note

Sorry for the late post guys, I was quite sick.