
Chapter 75: Trying to take pictures 2

"I will go take pictures of other models." Daisy said, walking away.

"Where are you going?" the model asked, looking at Daisy.

"To take pictures." Daisy replied.

"What about me?" she added.

"He will take your picture." Daisy scoffed. The model looked at Raymond, who gave her a toothy smile.

"Arrgh." She lamented and stood facing him.

"Put a smile on your face, beautiful." Raymond said, holding the camera. The model glared at him and forced a smile.

Raymond spread his legs on the ground and bent down a little to snap her.

"What are you doing?" she asked, looking down at him.

"Snapping, shh, let me do my job." He stated.

"Okay." She replied. And give him a sexy pose. Raymond started snapping continuously as the model posed for him with the camera flashing lights in his face.

They both finished snapping and the models started paying Daisy and walking out of the shop. Raymond smiled widely and walked to his desk with the camera.  And then Daisy took a remote from her desk and increased the AC.  Raymond relaxed and put his leg on his desk.

Daisy glared at him.

"Look at him acting as if this is his father’s house." She remarked, looking at him.

"Ray, come!!" she called out to him.

"What does this naughty bitch want again? He remarked and walked to her desk, staring at her.

"What do you want?" he inquired, and she put her hand in her pocket and handed him money, He snatched it from her.

"I want you to go buy me two mini-sized fish pizzas and one Coca-Cola." She instructed.

"Yes, big boss." He said he was attempting to go when she stopped him.

"Wait, get me your camera so I can review the pictures." She said.

He smiled widely and walked to his desk to grab the camera. He walked to her and handed her the camera.

Daisy took it from him. And he walked out of the company just as Mrs. Jennifer walked in.

              Daisy’s POV

Let me see the pictures he took, if he is a natural. I smirked and switched on the camera. He was kneeling as if he was taking a picture of the Mona Lisa. I whined and went to the pictures. I started seeing pictures of Ray’s face, his nose, his eyes, and his mouth.

"Fuck! Is this some kind of joke? " I cursed and continued seeing pictures of his nose.

"Damn it!!" I lamented and saw Mrs. Jennifer standing in front of me with her hand folded.

"What’s the matter, Daisy?" she asked bluntly.

"It’s nothing." I replied nervously. If I tell her what a mess Ray just got me into, she will blame me because he is under me.

"Then why are you using all those curse words?" she asked, not buying my excuses.

"I just saw something online." I said, and she rolled her eyes and walked away.

"People nowadays, social media is their life." She remarked as she walked away. She is so cold.