
Chapter 72: Angry big boss

Mrs. Jennifer took a fur jacket from her desk and put it on, looking at Raymond.

"Don’t you know how to mop?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. Raymond looked at her and smiled, nervously putting the mop in the soap bucket.

"I know how to mop, there was a stubborn stain on the floor, so I was just trying to remove it." He muttered.

"Hmm okay, I am going out if Daisy comes, tell her I am off for today, she will be the one to take care of things." She said.

"Yes ma," he stated, and she walked out of the room.

Raymond started mopping the ground, he was sweating continuously, using the back of his palm to wipe his sweat.

"Pheew, almost through." He said, smiling, and turned around to look at the place where he had mopped.  He realized he had only mopped half of the shop.

"Fuck!!" he cursed.

"Why don’t I just mop only the entrance so they will think I mopped the whole place." He smirked evilly and carried the mop bucket and the mop to the entrance of the shop.  He started mopping the entrance, and suddenly, someone started trying to push the door open. Raymond put his butt on the door and started pressing the door.

When he heard someone scream loudly.

"Arrgh my hand." the person outside grunted in pain. Raymond dropped the mop and started moving away from the door, he saw Daisy at the entrance holding her hand in pain. Her hand was red. She looked up at him and screwed up her face immediately.

"Look what you have done!!" she yelled angrily, still holding her hand.

"I am sorry I was moping," he said, looking at her."

"You are mopping, where is the cleaner?" she inquired, glaring at him.

"I don’t know, but, the boss gave me the mop to clean up the place." He replied.

"Arrgh, get out of my way." She said, pushing him out of the way.

"How rude." He grinned, glaring at her as she walked to her desk, opened the drawer, and brought out the first aid box. She glared at him.

"What are you doing standing there? Come and help me apply the ointment." She said rudely.

"I was just…… Daisy cuts in.

"Get your ass here." She said coldly, and he looked at the mop and walked over to her.

He opened the first aid box and took out the ointment. She set her hand out for him, and he poured a lot of ointment into her hand.

"What are you doing? It’s too much." She whined.

"I don’t know how to apply it." He stated.

"Weirdo, leave it I will do it." She said she used her other hand to massage it into her skin.

Raymond started walking to the entrance as a beautiful model walked into the shop. Raymond opened his mouth wide, drooling over her as she flipped her hair in the air. She was blonde and had green eyes, her skin was a little tanned as she eyed him......