
Chapter 349: The wedding ?

Two days later,

After a lot of preparation, it was the day of the wedding. Raymond was in his dressing room with Mr. Josh and Richard while a hairstylist was styling his hair. He was putting on a silver suit with a white handkerchief neatly placed in his breast pocket.

"You look dripping, bro, and why are your hands shaking so much?" Richard teased.

"My hands ain't shaking. Go have your eyes checked." Raymond commented.

"I can't believe my boss is getting married to the love of his life." Mr. Josh muttered, using a handkerchief to clean the tears in his eyes.

"Are you a baby?" Richard inquired.

"Ain't I allowed to cry?" Mr. Josh muttered.

 "Guys, stop stealing the spotlight, it's my wedding." Raymond stated the hairstylist let go of his hair. Raymond looked at himself in the mirror.

"I am so good-looking." He complimented himself and stood up from the chair, adjusting his suit.

"Wait for me, my bride, I am coming." Raymond muttered.

"I am getting jealous just listening to your babbling. Why didn't you invite a lot of people to your wedding?" Richard inquired.

"I don't want it to be crowded. I just want a few family members and friends." Raymond commented.

"Someone like you should have a grand wedding and..." Richard paused as he saw that Raymond was already walking away with Mr. Josh.

"Guys wait for me, this wedding can't happen without me!!" He yelled running after them


In Daisy's dressing room.

"I can't believe my little Daisy is getting married." Mrs. Louis said in a high-pitched voice, walking into the room.

Daisy was sitting in front of the mirror. Her dress was everywhere in the room, shining like the morning sun, with a tiara on her head and her beautiful face glowing. Her dress was made for royalty. It was the perfect Cinderella princess gown. It was a dream dress for a dream day with her own prince charming.

Gwen also walked into the room wearing a short pink dress; she was Daisy's bridesmaid.

"You look magnificent. Raymond won't be able to recognize you when he sees you." Gwen beamed.

"Guys, I am so scared. I thought this day would never come. I will never be able to wear a wedding dress and be happy again." Daisy muttered.

Gwen carried the wedding dress out of the way as Mr. Louis walked over to Daisy.

"I understand, my darling; if you don't want to marry, my house is available for you and Ryan." Mrs. Louis beamed, making her smile.

"Ryan wouldn't like that. He would scold me if I didn't get married to his hero." Daisy muttered, rolling her eyes.

"Where is that little rascal anyway." Gwen asked bluntly.

"He is with his girlfriend getting ready to accompany Daisy." Mrs. Louis remarked.

"What are you saying, mom? He doesn't have a girlfriend." Daisy protested they all heard a knock on the door.

Gwen opened the door and saw Mr. Josh, who kissed her on the lips immediately.

"Stop it," she muttered. He stroked his hair backward and bit his lower lips.

"When will we get married?" He asked, raising his brow.

"Very soon, when you save a lot of money." She muttered.

"Who is that?" Daisy asked from the inside.

"It's me, Mr. Josh. I came to tell you.." Mr. Josh said, trying to push his way into the room.

Gwen put her hand on the door, preventing him from going in.

"You also can't see the bride now. Tell me what you want to tell her." She stated bluntly.

"Tell her to come out now; the wedding is about to start." He declared and kissed her on the cheek before going.

She walked back into the room, blushing uncontrollably.

"What did he say?" Daisy asked, narrowing her eyes at her.

"That we should go out," Gwen muttered, covering Daisy's face with her veil.

Author's note

Sorry for the late post guys I am sick 🤒