
Chapter 348: Moment of truth


"What happened to you?" Mr. Marcus inquired, staring at Mr. Kingston, who glared at him.

"Your so-called daughter did this to him." Richard snarled.

"How dare you hurl insults at my daughter in front of me? I know my sugar can't do such a thing." Mr. Marcus said confidently.

"Then go and ask your sugar. I can't believe I wanted my son to get married to that heartless woman." Mr. Kingston said rudely.

"What are you saying, old pal, but you liked my sugar, didn't you?" inquired Mr. Marcus inquired.

"I used to like her, but not anymore. She has shown me her true colors. She has even broken my legs," Mr. Kingston snapped.

"She did this?" Mr. Marcus asked, staring at his legs.

"Dad, let's go. I hate talking to your friend. Isn't it obvious?" Raymond snapped.

"Son, I heard you divorced Sofia from your mom. Is it true?" Mr. Kingston asked in a soft tone.

"Yes, Dad," Raymond replied.

"Good job." Mr. Kingston commented.

"Good job? How can you do this to me, old pal?" Mr. Marcus asked, holding Mr. Kingston's collar.

Raymond removed Mr. Marcus' hand from his father's collar and punched him hard in the face.

"Stay out of this!" Mr. Marcus shouted, touching his bleeding lips.

"How can you do this to me at the last moment? You made a promise to me that you must fulfill. We made a deal." Mr. Marcus ranted, banging his chest.

"A promise?" Raymond and Richard chorused.

"It is time I come clean. When you were young, Sofia used to visit us a lot and you always had fun with her. One day, my company was going through a rough time, and I needed a huge sum of money urgently, so I took money from Mr. Marcus. After a few days, I offered to pay him back the money, but he asked me to forget about it and said I could keep it if I agreed to his request of you and Sofia getting married to each other when you are older." Mr. Kingston stated. Raymond was stunned. He couldn't believe his dad made a promise about his future just because of money. 

"Dad, why didn't you lend from the bank?" Raymond inquired, raising a brow.

"At the time, your father was a huge debtor to the banks, so they couldn't lend him any more." Mr. Marcus replied.

"How much is the money I am willing to pay you back?" Raymond inquired.

"I don't want money. I just want the promise to be fulfilled." Mr. Marcus ranted.

Raymond smiled his beautiful white smile. "Then you will have to get married to your daughter." He half shrugged.

"Are you nuts!" Mr. Marcus yelled and ran to Raymond. He grabbed a hand full of Raymond's shirt. Raymond glared at him and wanted to remove his hand when a doctor burst out of the ward.

Mr. Marcus left him and ran to the doctor.

"What happened? How is my daughter now? Is she okay?" He inquired.

The doctor looked down with a sad expression. "As I told you before, she is dead." He replied.

"That's great news," Richard remarked, smiling at Raymond, who returned the smile.

"How can you say such a thing?" Mr. Marcus ranted and started running towards Richard when Raymond set his leg on the road and Mr. Marcus fell to the ground. Boom!!

"Ahh!!" Mr. Marcus screamed.

"Sir, are you okay?" The doctor asked, running to him on the floor.

"Let's get out of here." Raymond declared as he pushed his father away with Richard.

"Come back here, I will catch you and kill you!!" Mr. Marcus's voice echoed throughout the hospital.