
Chapter 350: The wedding ? 2

Daisy stood up from the chair. Her legs were wobbling as she struggled to walk in the wedding dress. 

Gwen handed her a dazzling bouquet of rose flowers and lifted the dress for her so she could walk.

"Mom, I am so anxious." She mumbled.

"It will be okay, I am here with you." Mrs. Louis assured giving Daisy her arm. Daisy held her arm, walking out of the dressing room with her.

They arrived in the hall, in front of the red carpet that led to the altar, where Raymond was standing with the priest, smiling uncontrollably.

Daisy took a deep breath and smiled as she sighted Ryan and a girl in front of her. They were so adorable as they sprinkled flowers on the floor.

"Don't be nervous anymore, my dear. I am here with you." Mrs. Louis assured as she walked down the aisle with Daisy. In the background, "Here comes the bride" was being played.

Daisy looked at the people seated on the right side and saw Mr. and Mrs. Kingston, who was also smiling at her. They looked like they were forced to attend the wedding.

Daisy nearly tripped on her high heels, but Mrs. Louis caught her.

"She is so beautiful, although I can't see her face through the veil," Raymond commented.

"You must really love her." The priest remarked.

"I more than love her." Daisy was only a few steps away from him, he said with a grin, and his heart began to race.

Ryan stopped in front of the altar and stood at the side with the little bride.

"Daddy, go for it," Ryan muttered, giving Raymond a thumbs up.

Raymond inhaled and gave Daisy his hand. He felt a spark in their hands as he helped her up the aisle.

He moved closer to her and whispered in her ear.

"You look stunning." He whispered the priest dragged him back and all the crowd started laughing, including Richard and Mr. Josh.

"You are not married yet." The priest stated. Daisy was blushing under her veil.

Raymond and Daisy stood staring at each other. Daisy was nervous, but not anymore. She stood tall staring into his eyes through the veil.

"We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Raymond Kingston and Daisy Louis. This adorable couple has decided to tie the knot today. Anyone that is against this marriage should speak up." The priest stated, staring at the crowd.

Raymond was angered by the question.

"Me!!" Mr. Marcus yelled from the entrance of the house, and everyone's gaze turned to him.

"Shut the door!" Raymond commanded. The bodyguards dragged Mr. Marcus away.

"I am sorry about that." The priest apologized.

"Just get this over with." Raymond declared.

"Do you, Raymond Kingston, take Daisy Louis to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?" The priest asked.

"I do," Raymond said, with a wide smile.

"Do you, Daisy Louis, take Raymond Kingston to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?" The priest inquired.

"I...I.." Daisy coughed. She wanted to make Raymond nervous and the look in his eyes seemed to indicate it was working.

"I....do," she muttered. Raymond smiled widely and wanted to kiss her right there.

"Time for the wedding vows." The priest announced, handing Raymond a paper he wrote and also Daisy.

Raymond took a deep breath and stared at the vows he had been writing all night. Ryan was overwhelmed with joy just staring at them.
