
Chapter 340: Memory

Mr. Josh and Richard walked into the room to see Raymond, who got up from the bed immediately. Sweat was forming on his forehead.

"Whose room is this?" Raymond inquired. Moving forward, his legs buckled beneath him. He was about to fall when they both supported him.

"It's Sofia's room." Mr. Josh answered

Raymond stood still, taking control of his hand. The strange feeling of Deja vu ran down his spine. His breath seized, his pores raised in his skin. He was becoming sweaty. Flashes of memory came back to him. He felt his head spinning, his hand shaking. He heard Daisy's screams in his head and saw her face. It was like a vision.

"Daisy," he muttered.

"What did you just say?" Mr. Josh inquired.

"Daisy, my one and only love, the woman I assaulted because of my one-sided love. I remember everything." Raymond mumbled, looking up.

"You mean you remember everything, like when Daisy pretended to be your wife and all?" Richard inquired.

"Yes, I remember every single thing," Raymond answered, wrinkling his nose. 

"Wow, this is good news." Richard commented.

"So what do you want to do now, boss?" Mr. Josh stated.

"I want to go to Daisy, ask her for forgiveness, and tell her how much I love her." Raymond declared 

"Yes, that's the spirit. I am with you man, go get the girl." Richard beamed.

"Thank you, bro, for everything you have done for me." Raymond beamed and hugged Richard.

"One more thing," Richard said, and he brought out the divorce papers and also the DNA test.

"I am glad to tell you that Ryan is your son." Richard beamed.

"My..my son! Are you for real?" Raymond asked, bursting with excitement. 

"Yes, Ryan is your son, and here is the proof." Richard assured and handed him the DNA test.

Raymond took it from him and stared at it. Hot tears started coming out of his eyes and some hung in his lashes.

"He is my son. Is that why I feel I have a special bond with him? I am the happiest man alive!!" Raymond yelled and hugged Mr. Josh and Richard together.

"I am also happy for you, bro." Richard muttered, stroking Raymond's back.

They all pulled away from the hug.

"Now go and get your wife and children, just like Korea likes to say it, fighting!" Richard commented 

"Yes, fighting!" Mr. Josh remarked.

Raymond's eyes were sparkling with joy as he ran out of the house with the papers in great speed.

"Why does he want to ask her for forgiveness?" Mr. Josh asked out of the blue because he was confused.

"Come closer, let me tell you." Richard said and put his mouth in Mr. josh's ear.

Daisy entered the hospital carrying a bag of fruits and food when she saw Gwen arguing with Ryan.

"Can you just please call my hero for me? I have a feeling my mommy has chased him away." Ryan pleaded.

"I have already told you I don't have his number," Gwen argued.

"Please, I know she must have bribed you too." Ryan added. His eyes wandered to Daisy. He gulped, staring at her. 

"You are not seeing anyone." Daisy said and walked over to him. 

"But mommy, I miss my hero a lot. I feel him snuggling me and stroking my hair, not just that I see him telling me bedtime stories and playing games with me and all." Ryan lamented.

"You are just imagining. I am here for you. You don't need him." She assured and brought out an apple from the bag.