
Chapter 339: Arrested 2

"Arrest her, she is the murderer." Mr Josh heard Richard's voice and looked down the stairs.

"Let me go. I am not a murderer." Sofia swayed in the arms of the female police officer, who gave her a resounding slap across the face.

"Arrest them too, they are her accomplices." Richard declared, pointing at the spy who wanted to run away.

"They are even carrying fake guns." The police inspector remarked as he handcuffed her spies and started leading them out of the house.

"Where is Mr. King?" The inspector inquired.

"I think he is busy upstairs." Richard commented. 

"Alright, tell him I will be waiting for him." The inspector said and walked out.

"Finally, that bitch is gone," Richard muttered, dusting his hand on his silky suit.

"I will be back!!" Sofia yelled from outside.

"Fuck! I forgot her dad was a very influential man. I guess I will have to bring Daisy and Raymond together before she comes. " Richard muttered to himself while walking up the stairs to Mr Josh.

"What is the matter? You look tense?" Richard questioned.

"Raymond was hit on the head by those nincompoops. He is unconscious. I am just waiting for the doctor." Mr Josh stated.

"This will be a good time to call Daisy," Richard said, bringing out his phone.

"What do you want to call her for? Have you forgotten she has a responsibility of her own?" Mr Josh remarked.

"I know, but she deserves to know his situation I want to see if she will come running," Richard said and dialed Daisy's number. It was ringing, but she hadn't picked up.

"Stop it." Mr Josh said, and snatched the phone from him.

"Hello." Daisy muttered. Mr Josh hung up and put the phone on airplane mode.

"What's your problem? Why are you trying to keep two lovers apart?" Richard asked.

"You won't understand." Mr Josh shrugged just as the doctor came running up the stairs.

"This way, doctor." Mr Josh said, leading the doctor to Sofia's room.

The doctor entered the room and started examining Raymond, who was sleeping on the bed.

"How did this happen?" The doctor inquired.

"He was hit on the head with something." Mr Josh replied.

"How can he let that happen? I have told him several times that his head is the most sacred place in his body since the car accident. Can you guys go out." The doctor questioned 

"Yes, we will take your time." Mr Josh said, dragging Richard out of the room with him.

Richard and Mr Josh paced outside while the doctor treated Raymond.

The doctor finished dressing Raymond's head injury with a bandage.

Raymond's eyebrows rose and fell. He scrunched his face and sat up on the bed. He rested his head on the bed, staring at the doctor.

"Where am I?" He asked, looking around the room.

"In your house?" The doctor replied, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't recognize this room, what happened to me? I feel lost and my head hurts a lot." Raymond whined.

"I don't know, but I think your assistant can explain it better." The doctor said and walked out of the room to call Mr Josh.

"You need to go and see him; he is awake and asking silly questions." The doctor stated