
Chapter 338: Arrested

Daisy was sitting in front of the hospital room with Mrs. Louis and Gwen.

"So she tried to kill Ryan. Didn't I tell you to get married to another guy and live your life, but you failed to listen?" Mrs Louis whined.

"You know, I am not ready to share Ryan with anyone else," Daisy replied just as the doctor walked out of the room.

Daisy stood up immediately.

"Doctor, how is my son?" She inquired.

"Good news, he is out of danger and conscious now. You can go and see him." The doctor beamed, opening the door for Daisy.

"Thank you, doctor." Daisy beamed. She was bursting with excitement.

She rushed into the room with Mrs Louis.

"Is that you, Mommy?" Ryan inquired, sitting up on the bed. 

"Yes, Mommy is here for you. How are you feeling?" Daisy inquired, stroking his hair.

"I feel much better. I can also feel my legs." He muttered, shaking his legs.

"That's good to hear," Daisy remarked, and she kissed him on the forehead.

"Mommy, when will I leave this place and go home?" Ryan inquired.

"Very soon, my son, I will go and ask the doctor." Mrs Louis stated and walked out of the room.

"I need to get something for you to eat. I will be back." Daisy beamed.

"No, don't leave me." Ryan protested, holding her hand.

"Gwen is here. She will look after you." Daisy stated and removed his hand from her wrist and walked out of the room.

At the Kingston's mansion.

"What if I don't want to?" Raymond asked confidently.

"Then you are going to die. It's two against one." The spy declared with an evil grin.

"Drop your gun!" The spy yelled.

Raymond slowly bent down and dropped the gun on the floor.

"Push it towards me." The spy commanded.

Raymond was not ready to give in.

He grabbed the gun and kicked the spy in the dick.

"Arghh!" The spy screamed and shot the gun at Raymond, but it penetrated into the window, breaking the window frames.

Raymond tried to hold the spy at gunpoint, forgetting the other one who carried a big box of makeup and used it to hit Raymond on the head.

Raymond was feeling dizzy as he staggered backward, attempting to shoot the spy, when the other spy hit him on the head one more time, knocking him out on the floor.

"Good job, boys. Let's go." Sofia remarked, getting up from the floor.

"Let's go, we don't have much time." One of the spies said, walking towards the door.

Mr. Josh rushed into the room and saw Raymond laying on the floor.

"Boss, are you okay?" Mr Josh inquired, tapping Raymond on the face, but his head was bleeding.

 Mr. Josh helped him to the bed and called the family doctor.

"I am on my way." The doctor stated.

"Where the fuck is that bitch." Mr Josh stated through clenched teeth and rushed out of the room, looking for Sofia.