
Chapter 333: The sin 4

"I am doing this for the both of us. We need a child and he is impotent now." She muttered.

"Shut up! I don't know why evil people always have an excuse to back up their crimes. You are so disgusting that I can't stare at your face without spitting on it." Richard lamented and screwed up his face.

The bodyguard attempted to run when Richard punched him hard in the face. He fell back into the bed.

"Mom! Dad! Come and see your favourite daughter-in-law." Richard yelled.

"Stop, don't call them." She pleaded.

"No, I will call them. Lucky for you, my dad is also around." Richard said with an evil grin.

He moved closer to the door and made sure he looked at Sofia with side-eyes so she wouldn't try to do anything stupid.

"What are you still doing here? Go and hide." Sofia said, giving the bodyguard a hot slap on the back.

"Mom! Dad!" Richard yelled at the top of his lungs and looked back at Sofia.

"Where did he go?" Richard asked and paused as he saw the bodyguard's leg sticking out from under the bed.

"What is wrong, son? You woke me up from sleep. What are you doing in your sister-in-law's room?" Mrs Kingston inquired as she saw that Sofia was covering herself with a duvet.

She grabbed and twisted Richard's ear.

"You are a pervert. Come out with me. You have a lot of explaining to do." Mrs Kingston said, trying to lead him out of the room by the ear. 

"Mom, stop it. You didn't ask why I called you here." Richard growled, removing his mom's hand from his ear when Mr Kingston walked into the room.

 "What is the meaning of all this commotion?" Richard inquired.

"Dad, I caught Sofia sleeping with a bodyguard," Richard said, and Mr Kingston gave him a resounding slap across the face.

Richard held his face, which felt like it was on fire and glared at his dad.

"How can you say such a disgusting thing?" Mr Kingston ranted.

"I don't like talking too much. I will prove it." Richard said and rushed to the bed. Where he grabbed the bodyguard's leg and dragged him out. 

Mr. Kingston and Mrs Kingston were stunned to see the naked bodyguard who grabbed his shirt from the floor and used it to close his manhood. Mrs. Kingston walked back slowly.

"No..no..this can't be possible Sofia tell me this is all a lie." Mrs Kingston begged. Mr. Kingston was lost for words. 

"Please, I am innocent. She was the one that lured me into this." The bodyguard muttered.

"Shut up!!" Richard yelled, kicking the bodyguard in the face with all the anger he had that his dad had slapped him without a reason.

Sofia quickly wrapped the duvet around herself and jumped down from the bed, running to Mrs Kingston.

 "Mom, I didn't do anything Richard is lying." She said confidently.

"Shut your trap, slut!!" Mrs Kingston snapped and gave Sofia a resounding slap across the face. Sofia held her face in pain as tears started falling down her cheeks.

"I always thought Daisy was a whore, but you are the real whore. I wish all of this was a dream!" Mrs Kingston lamented, pushing Sofia away by the chest.

Author's note 

Guys check out "Enemies in love" and "An affair with my brother in law" by star Macy on light reader.