
Chapter 332: The sin 3

"But Sofia, no one sleeps at this time of day. come.." Mrs Kingston paused when she realized the door was locked and started knocking on the door. 

"Sofia, please, I need someone to talk to." She muttered. 

Sofia screwed up her face.

"Don't you understand all the things I just said? Go away!!" She yelled.

Mrs Kingston sighed. She didn't know why Sofia was behaving that way and decided to go back to her room.

Richard strolled into the mansion, staring at the bodyguards who were staring at him.

"What are you staring at?" He asked, with his mouth hanging loosely. 

"No...nothing." One of them stuttered, looking down. They were scared that he might catch Sofia.

Richard started walking up the stairs when his phone rang. He picked up the call. 

"Hello baby, I promise you I will talk to them." He assured.

"I can't wait to get married to you." She beamed.

"Me too, but I need to make preparations for the two of us first." He declared.

"I understand," she muttered. Richard started hearing the sounds of moans coming from Sofia's room. 

"Babe, I will call you back." He muttered and hung up.

He walked to Sofia's door and rested his ear on the door.

"Yes! Fuck me! You are so good!!" He heard Sofia's voice.

"What the hell!" He exclaimed and started knocking on the door.

"Who is that?" Sofia asked, annoyed.

Richard had no intention of answering her. He saw a maid passing and called her in a soft tone.

"Give me the master key." He whispered.

"Why, sir?" The maid asked.

"Give it to me; who are you to question me?" He snapped.

"I am sorry." She apologized handing the key to him.

Richard put the key in and tried to open the door.

Sofia started hearing the sound of the door. She pushed the bodyguard off her body and covered both of them with the blanket.

Richard opened the door and stared at her. She was sweating continuously. She pulled the duvet up to her chest, and Richard realized there was someone else on the bed. He started walking towards her on the bed.

"Stay away from me. Who are you to barge into my room?" She inquired, glaring at him.

"I hope you are not doing what I think you are doing," Richard said he was trying to lift the duvet when she hit his hand with her leg.

"Go away and mind your business!" She yelled.

"This is my business," Richard said, and opened the blanket. Sofia quickly covered herself with the duvet. Richard sighted the bodyguard, who was too shy to look up. They were both naked.

Richard didn't know how to react. He put his hand on his face.

"Why are you so shameless? You are so horny and didn't hesitate to have sex with a bodyguard in your husband's house. gosh!" Richard groaned.

Sofia burst into tears.

"Please don't tell Raymond he will never forgive me." She pleaded.

"So you know and you did this," he muttered.