
Chapter 334: Deception

"Mom, please listen to me. You know why I did this." Sofia muttered and ran to Mr Kingston. 

"Father, please hear me out." She pleaded.

"I am too ashamed to talk to you. You have the audacity to sleep with a bodyguard in my house!" Mr Kingston half yelled.

Sofia fell to the ground, holding onto his leg.

"I am sorry, father. I just wanted to give you guys a grandchild." She muttered.

"Let go of my leg, you disgust me. I regret asking my son to get married to you." Mr Kingston lamented and walked out of the room, ignoring her.

"Go out!!" Richard yelled, kicking the bodyguard in the buttocks, he ran out of the room butt naked, carrying his pants from the floor.

"I want you to stay away from me." Mrs Kingston said as she strolled out of the room. 

"Mom, Please don't go!" Sofia yelled.

She stood up and ran to Richard, holding his collar.

"Look at what you cost." Sofia ranted.

"You cost all this yourself." Richard snarled and removed her hand from his collar.

"Prepare the lie you are going to tell Raymond when he comes." Richard snarled and walked out of the room.

He wanted to call Raymond, but he didn't have his new number.

"He just has to change phones all the time." Richard muttered and walked to his mom's room to console her.

Daisy was sitting on a bench in front of Ryan's hospital room. She was so worried that she couldn't eat.

When someone put a bottle of water in front of her, she took it and looked up at the person. It was Raymond.

"How are you?" He asked with a toothy smile.

"I am not fine." Daisy replied, folding her hand.

"What is the matter? Tell me if I can help." Raymond muttered, sitting next to her. Daisy smirked, and she started forcing a fake cry.

"My son is lying on his deathbed once again because of your wife Sofia. She tried to kill him by asking a doctor to inject a deadly injection into his drip that would make him die." Daisy muttered, wrinkling her nose.

Raymond was stunned.

"Are you kidding me?" Raymond asked bluntly.

"Why would I lie about something like that?" Daisy muttered and began crying in his chest, and he began stroking her back.

"How did she know you and why did she want to kill Ryan?" Raymond asked bluntly.

Daisy looked up at him and they both locked eyes.

"She is accusing me that I want to steal you away from her." Daisy muttered.

"Why would she say such a thing? Is she stalking me? I will teach her a lesson." Raymond grumbled, clenching his fists.

Daisy smirked.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to Ryan. He will be fine." Raymond assured touching her face. For some reason, he couldn't bear to see her in tears.

"I hope so." Daisy muttered, touching his hand and feeling an electric spark in their hands.

"I have to go now. Take care of yourself and if you need money or anything, I am here." He said, with a reassuring smile.