
Chapter 329: Cruel intentions 4

Daisy was sobbing in his chest, and it turned out she had been looking for a shoulder to cry on the entire time.

"Stop soaking me with your tears. Pull yourself together." Richard muttered and pulled away from the hug, staring at Daisy. He gave her his handkerchief. She shyly took it from him and started using it to wipe her face.

"So when will you stop being stubborn and accept Raymond back into your life? You know, he doesn't love Sofia. That's one of the reasons she is doing all this." Richard stated.

"I know he doesn't love her, but if I tell him, he will want to take Ryan away from me." She muttered.

"I know my brother. He wouldn't think of doing such things, although he has lost his memory." Richard replied.

"I am scared to be alone." She whimpered.

"I know, that's why you have to stay strong and fight for what will make you happy. Stop being ignorant. You need someone by your side to love and take care of you." Richard assured.

"Are you saying all this because of your brother?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

 "Hell no, I am saying all this because of the way you acted just now." He muttered. Richard's words really

got to her. She was lost for words. Is accepting Raymond the only thing that would make her happy?.

She inhaled and exhaled and looked up at Richard.

"Even if I want to accept him, I want him to regain his memory first, not just that I can't live in your parents' house with him." Daisy declared.

"Don't worry, he already has a house he is working on. It's almost done about the regaining of memory part. The doctor said he might not regain his memory, but I believe if you are on his side, nothing is impossible." He beamed.  

By coming to the hospital with her, Richard has shown her the importance of a father.

"I am in." She beamed.

"Really?" Richard asked in a happy tone.

"Yes." She replied shyly. Richard pulled her into an embrace.

"I am so happy," He muttered.

"Stop hugging me. You don't want your girlfriend to get jealous." Daisy said through clenched teeth. 

He let go of her just as his private doctor ran to them.

Raymond walked out of his bathroom and put on a white T-shirt with a pair of jeans to go with it. He strolled out of his room, looked around the house that was as quiet as a graveyard, and walked down the stairs quickly.

He walked to a blue Ferrari in his garage and got into it. He wanted to go see Ryan at the hospital, whether Daisy liked it or not. His mind wasn't at rest.

He drove off at great speed, ignoring the bodyguards that wanted to follow him as they didn't see Mr Josh.

Raymond arrived in front of the hospital and rushed inside, heading to Ryan's room when he saw Mr Josh and Gwen pacing in front of the room.

"What's the matter?" Raymond asked bluntly.

"Daisy and Ryan are gone." Mr Josh stated

Has Daisy really forgotten about the past? Guys check out "The pride the king's rule" by shalom on light reader.