
Chapter 328: Cruel intentions 3

"What do you mean you can't feel your legs?" Daisy asked, walking over to Ryan on the bed.

"Please help me, mommy. It's like my body is dying slowly from my leg." Ryan said and started crying.

"What are you saying? But the doctor just came to check up on you." Daisy replied.

"Mommy, I am dying." Ryan whimpered and continued crying. 

"Doctor! doctor!" Daisy yelled. 

"I don't think he is coming. This is part of their plan." Richard stated.

"Is this why an entirely different doctor came in to check up on him?" Daisy asked.

"Fuck! We need to get him out of here." Richard said, and removed the drip from Ryan's hand with great force, carrying Ryan in his arms.

"Is this why no doctor is coming? Why will she try to kill my baby?" Daisy said running after Richard who was carrying Ryan out of the hospital with Great speed.

Richard halted in front of his car.

"Open the door for me. We don't have time to talk." Richard declared.

Daisy quickly opened the car for him, and he laid Ryan in the back seat, where he had fallen unconscious.

Richard quickly entered the car with Daisy and drove off. 

"What is wrong with you? You saw another doctor treating Ryan and you didn't utter a word?" Richard whined.

"It's not my fault. I didn't know he was a bogus doctor." Daisy replied.

"VIP treatment doesn't change doctors often. I don't know what I will do to Sofia if anything happens to Ryan. You are just so naive." Richard muttered.

"Why are you scolding me so much?" Daisy inquired.

"Because you are a fool, a big fool, I nearly lost my nephew because of you." Richard said, and he increased the speed of the car.

Daisy didn't know what to say. She was also at fault. She turned in her seat and looked at Ryan.

"Hang in there, boy. Mommy loves you." She muttered.

Minutes later.

Richard came to a halt in front of an extremely big hospital and rushed out of the car with Daisy. He carried Ryan and started running into the hospital with him when nurses ran to him..

"Mr Kingston, how may I help you?" A nurse asked.

"My nephew is dying. I want you guys to attend to him as soon as possible." Richard said, handing Ryan to them. They carried Ryan and scurried away. Daisy wanted to follow them. when Richard held her back.

"No need to follow them, I know them. This is the hospital where our family always comes when we are ill." He assured and turned to look at Daisy, who was crying.

"Don't cry. I promise he will be okay." Richard assured her, trying to wipe her tears when she hugged him and started crying on his chest.

"Stop it. I don't like seeing a woman cry, and I don't want Raymond to catch us like this." Richard remarked, stroking her back as she cried in his arms.

"I am here for you," he assured.