
Chapter 330: The sin

"What do you mean they are gone?" Raymond asked.

"We just came here and the doctor told me he hasn't seen Daisy and Ryan. It's as if they have been kidnapped." Mr Josh said.

"Have you tried calling her?" Raymond inquired.

"I have been calling her but she is not picking up." Gwen muttered.

"Give me her number." Raymond declared.

Raymond brought out his phone and gave it to Gwen to put in Daisy's number.

"You have gotten a new phone again, I can't count the phone you destroyed because of Sofia." Mr Josh teased.

"Shut your mouth." Raymond said rudely and took the phone to call Daisy.

Richard and Daisy were standing in front of Ryan's room when a doctor walked out.

Daisy rushed to her

"How is my son?" Daisy inquired.

"He is fine now. It's good you brought him here. If not, he would have died." The doctor said. 

"Thank you doctor. Is he awake now? Can I go and see him?" Daisy inquired.

"I wonder who gave a child like him a pancuronism injection. We will have to keep a close eye on him so he doesn't paralyze." The doctor replied.

"Pa.. paralyze?" Daisy stuttered.

"Don't take it to heart. The doctor will not let that happen." Richard assured.

"Your husband is right. I will have to go now." The doctor said, walking away.

"He is not my.." Daisy paused.

"They won't understand." Richard replied when Daisy's phone started ringing.

She cleaned her eye and picked up the call from a unknown number.

She put the phone in her ear and waited for the person to speak.

"Hello," Raymond muttered. Daisy opened her eyes in surprise.

"Who is that?" Richard mouthed.

"Raymond." She whispered

"Hello, this is Daisy, right?" Raymond inquired.

Daisy cleared her throat.

"Didn't I tell you to stay away from me? How did you get my number?" She asked rudely.

"I took it from your friend. I am sorry about the other day. I couldn't stop thinking about it. Where are you and Ryan? I miss him a lot. It's like I have a special connection with him." Raymond muttered.

"Something came up, so I had to transfer him to another hospital." Daisy replied.

"What is the address of the hospital? Tell me, let me come." Raymond stated. She rolled her eyes.

"No need to come, your brother is here with me." Daisy replied.

"You mean Richard?" Raymond asked, pissed.

"Yes," she replied flatly.

"Give him the phone." Raymond commanded.

"What if I say I don't want to give him." She said stubbornly.

"I wonder what the two of you are saying. Give me that." Richard said, and he snatched the phone from Daisy.

"Hello bro," Richard muttered.

"You have started eyeing my woman, and you have the audacity to go and see her behind my back." Raymond ranted.

"What are you saying? What has gotten into you? This woman you are talking about here is married." Richard corrected.

"I don't care. Tell me where you are." Raymond said in a rumbling tone.

"I am with our family doctor." Richard stated.

"I am on my way." Raymond said and hung up.