
Chapter 327: Cruel intentions 2

"Doctor, when will my son be discharged?" Daisy inquired.

"Your child's condition is not stable yet. We still need to keep an eye on him, so he needs to stay here till next week." The doctor replied.

"Next week! That's too far." Daisy muttered.

"It's for your son's well being. If you would excuse me, I have other patients to attend to." The doctor declared.

Daisy sighed and strolled out of his office without looking ahead and bumped into the spies. The bundle of money they were carrying fell to the ground.

"Can't you watch where you are going, woman!" One of them snapped, rudely arranging the money.

"I am sorry," Daisy apologized, and walked away.

She entered Ryan's room and saw him sleeping on the bed with Gwen and Mr Josh talking by his side.

"Where is my mom?" Daisy asked, staring at Gwen, who was composing herself.

"She has gone home to prepare food." Gwen replied.

"Okay." Daisy muttered and rested her back on the wall. She was missing Raymond, although she was acting stubborn. 

Later that day.

Daisy was the only one in the hospital watching Ryan. She was sitting beside him on the bed and started to doze off when a doctor walked in and rushed to Ryan's aid.

He put his hand on Ryan's forehead and brought out a syringe that was filled with liquid, looking at Daisy with side eyes, and injected the liquid into Ryan's drip fluid.

"What are you doing?" Daisy asked.

"I am just giving him something that will make him much better." The doctor replied.

"But you are not the doctor that usually attends to my son." Daisy stated.

"That doctor is on leave, so I will be taking care of him now." The doctor replied.

"Okay." Daisy mumbled, although she felt something was fishy and watched the doctor walk out of the room.

Richard quickly rushed into the room.

"What are you doing here?" Daisy asked, narrowing her eyes at him.

"Calm down. I came to tell you that your life is in danger. Not just you, your son's too." Richard stated.

"Why should I believe you?" Daisy asked, folding her hand.

"Because Sofia knows that Ryan is Raymond's, not just that I also know." Richard confessed.

Daisy opened her eyes wide in shock. She wanted to move, but her leg was stuck.

"How..how did you know?" She stuttered.

"DNA test," Richard said, flaunting the test in her face.

Daisy snatched the test from him.

"How did you get this?" She inquired, with her lips trembling.

"I privately conducted a DNA test." Richard replied.

"No matter what you do, Raymond won't believe that this child is his." Daisy said, and she threw the result in the air.

Richard quickly caught it.

"I am here to help you. I will protect you from Sofia. First I have to transfer your son to another hospital." Richard replied.

"I don't need your help. Tell Sofia that she can keep her husband. I don't want him." Daisy announced confidently.

"It's not about wanting him; this is a life and death situation." Richard stated. 

"Mommy, I can't feel my legs." Ryan muttered.